~ Five: Ping Pong Match ~

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I was currently in the gaming room with the remainder of BTS. A part of me really wanted to get to know them better, they seem like a nice bunch of boys. However, a stronger part of me just wanted to go home, forget they exist and forget that my soul mate is a jerk. 

I don't believe in first impressions and all that, but his one was pretty clear. He did not want anything to do with me what so ever, and I am not going to force myself on him.

"Hey, Y/N, why don't we exchange phone numbers?" Namjoon sits closer to me giving me his phone. I nod and type in my number, not seeing any harm in giving it to him. 

"We should add noona to our group chat!" Jungkook says, showing of that perfect smile of his. 

"No, Yoongi would get mad. Don't be a pabo." Taehyung rolls his eyes at Jungkook before looking at me. I hope that the fact that I felt hurt by his comment didn't show. Plus, I don't think he's got any emotions to be able to tell anyway. Why doesn't he seem to like me? Now that's two out of the seven members which make me feel like maybe I should just leave. I was about to get up when the door opened and in walked in a beautiful girl which was talking to Yoongi. 

I don't know why I felt jealous for a slight moment. Maybe it's the fact that he won't talk to me, but he will happily talk to everyone else. Does he even know I wasn't really their fan? That I was dragged here by Y/B/F? 

"Hyuna!" Jin notices the gorgeous girl and goes up to her, engulfing her in a hug. That's Jin's soul mate? She really was so beautiful, her hair looked almost silk and her contact lenses making her eyes stand out from her face. 

"And who are they?" She smiles politely at us. 

"This is Y/N, Yoongi's soul mate, and that's Y/B/F." Jin tells her and her eyes light up.

"Finally! Someone can get Yoongi to be less grumpy!" She giggles and you see Yoongi roll his eyes at the statement. Your eyes meet for a split second but he moves them away quickly, starting a conversation with Taehyung. I just smile at Hyuna, and let Y/B/F do the talking, since she knows her from her obsession with idols. 

"Don't look so sad, don't give our Suga hyung the satisfaction of feeling left out. Come on Y/N, play a game with meeeeeeee," Jimin drags out, pulling on my arm slightly. I giggle and give in, going to the ping pong table and picking up a racket. 

"But I'm good, prepare to be beaten by a girl, you sure you can handle that Jimin?" I raise an eyebrow to which he smirks.

"You'll be the one loosing here," he adds and I don't realize that all eyes were on us as we started to play. Jimin had no idea that I used to do a ping pong club after school and even played in the name of the school I went to. Y/B/F knew that, she was waiting for me to beat him. 

As the game started I didn't even give Jimin the chance to get a point, instantly scoring for myself making him pout. It was adorable, and seeing his pink candyfloss hair in colour made him even cuter. 

"I let you win!" He pretends once I win the over all round, only letting one ball slip. 

"Noona why didn't you tell us you were good? Hardly anyone beats Jimin, usually only Yoongi hyung," Jungkoook stares in awe, the other members nodding in advance, Yoongi not fazed at all. 

"I'm not that good, it's just that I used to play in school when I used to go so..." I blush a little, looking down at my feet to hide my embarrassment. I was proud about how well I could play, but it's weird when there's so many people staring at you play.

"Maybe you should challenge Yoongi to a game," Namjoon smirks, looking between Yoongi and I. I instantly shake my head, not wanting to get on his bad side even more. I have no idea why I wanted him to have a good image of me, he hates me already. 

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