Chapter 1- Close isnt close enough

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Hey my name is Harley and I am a junior in high school. I'm not into all that caring about stuff like these other girls, I rather ride my skateboard and chill. I don't care about the hair or the make up or the boys even, especially not the ones in Bear Valley High. Now I know what you're thinking, "she's a loner" or "she's a tomboy" but neither of that is true. I have 2 best friends, Karla and Emma. Karla is the girly type, always have to look perfect and presentable for the boys whereas, Emma is like me. They've been my best friends since 1st grade where we fought over the last glitter pencil (of course I won).

Anyways, today like usually I am skipping 1st period. Yes, I know it's school and I should go to class and do my work but hell, I told my parents not to spend money here and did they listen? Of course not. Oh, I should probably mention that Bear Valley High is an co-Ed boarding school. Which basically means that I can do what I want. Ok I can't really but I mean whose stopping me? None of the teachers cares, and I can basically control the principle by threatening to call my father. So yea I can do what I want.

"Where do you belong?"

Who dares interrupts my introduction of my life?

"Ms. Where do you belong?"

"In class obviously, where do you belong?"

I turned around and saw a new face. This guy looked like he have just gotten out of college, 20 maybe 25 years old. He was wearing a blue sweater vest and black slacks, what type of 20 year old dresses like they're 50?

"You're new here aren't you?"

"Yes I am the new Chemistry teacher, now answer my question."

"What was you're question again?"

"Where do you belong?"

"Oh right. You see I suffer from Dont Care Disease. I tend to forget my classes A Lot."

"Fine then I'll take you to the guidance office and we'll print you a new schedule and type it to your locker."

"Well now Mr.Newbie, are you sure you want to make a bad impression on all your new kids? They won't like you all too much."

His expression didn't change, normally that would affect a new teacher but not this guy.

"I didn't come here to make friends, I came here to teach. And it's Smith."

"What's Smith?"

"My name. You will call me Mr.smith."

"Ok, Mr.Smith. My name is Harley West."

"Ok Ms.West lets walk to guidance."

As we were walking I was admiring his face. Wait no, not admiring, looking as in I was looking at his face. He has this 5 o'clock shadow and it looked good. Not that I think he's cute or anything but damn. Anyways we arrived at the guidance office.

"Stay here, I'll go get the schedule "

I walked over to the gym which was right next door and saw Mr.Kitt talking to Ms.Jones.

"What are you ladies doing in here? Go to your class."

"Sorry Ms.J, didn't feel like going."

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