headcanon coffee flavours

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➣ Mochachino — a cup of cappuccino with a small amount of chocolate with a full dose of sweetness and energyis ideal to start the day. everyday there would be a variant topping such as grated chocolate, cinnamon, whipped cream and others.

Frapuccino — coffee, milk and ice, sweet and refreshing for our cute Nina. she will try every kinds of flavour: caramel, caramel cocoa, cinnamon, vanilla, green tea, red velvet, mango pineapple, strawberries and berries. but she still prefers the spicy ones.

Charioce XVII:

Classic coffee — the first coffee of the day. he is a practical person who completes his projects, but also enjoys the simple things. he follows his ideologies, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't listen to the opinions of others.

➣ Decaffeinated coffee — i don't think he's the kind of person who drinks coffee more than once a day, but he doesn't have any problems to drink a cup of coffee in company in the late afternoon.

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