only a cup of coffee

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coffee shop!AU

'Maybe he will come today too.'

Nina thought, behind the counter of the coffee shop. Her cheeks flushed at the customer's thought who, little by little, was becoming a regular in the café.

The first time she met him, her heart started pounding like mad. But what left a mark in the heart of the young girl was the strong but at the same time sweet contact of the guy, when he touched with his long, tapered fingers the pinkette's hand to take the warm thermos from her. She remembered she stared open-mouthed, without responding to his resolute 'Thanks' neither greeting him with the usual sentence that the coffee shop manager had taught her.

She cupped her cheeks in her hands while a pleasant feeling warmed her heart. From that day on - shift work permitting - Nina had seen the guy every other day, always ordering black tea. He never changed. Not even a cup of coffee, just tea. Nina puffed a little. How could he order a cup of hot water with dried leaves floating inside?

She had nothing against tea, the truth is that she had come up with the idea of personally preparing him a hot drink and Nina was one in charge of making coffee. She had tried several times, getting also help from her friend-colleague Rita, but it ended up spilling the boiling water on the floor followed by the tea bags. Therefore, she was almost 'banned' to approach the tea station until she was more acquainted with the kettle.

The pink-haired girl sighed, but she wasn't a girl who's demoralizing easily. In fact, lost in her thoughts, she was already planning another plan to approach her 'prince charming'.

The bell of the door rang and Nina turned to welcome a new customer to the coffee shop. "Welcom-" Her voice stopped in her throat as soon as she recognized the figure who stood at the door.

A tall man walked through the door, his short and thin blond hair was messed by the warm air of the bar heating. The young man's amber eyes glinted in the cozy room of the shop, finally laying in the big eyes of the pinkette. The dark trenches, with the first three unbuttoned buttons that let them glimpse the white shirt, whirled at every step toward the black shoulder bag, making stand out the khaki-colored trousers, and approached the counter where Nina stood watching him, her mouth half-open.

As soon as Nina realized he was heading toward her, she took her eyes off, still embarassed and her cheeks pearly pink.

"W-welcome sir, w-what can I serve you?" she ended the question, softly stuttering and throwing a fleeting glance at the customer. The customer passed his hand in his hair, combing them. "Black tea." He answered without looking away from the pink-haired girl.

At that point Nina turned to the blonde. "Tea again? Wouldn't you like to try something else? You could have a caramel coffee or-" she collected herself immediately afterwards, remaining with a surprise expression on her face. She looked down, with her hair tickling her cheeks, she bit the lower lip. "I'll bring right away your order."

She didn't even look in the face of the blond guy, nor could see the little smile that was forming on the soft lips of the man.


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