The Dark Moon part 2

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At that moment, Stiles shot up to his feet from where he had been sitting on the floor close to Malia.

"Damn it," he muttered as he quickly ran his hand over his mouth.

Malia looked up to see the fear stricken look on his face. "What is it? What's wrong?" she panted out.

Stiles' own breathing was starting to pick up. "Can't you hear it? Lydia, Kira, they're crying. And Scott." He went to grab some hair at sides of his head. "Ugh, he's in pain. I...I can feel it. They're hurting him." Stiles then went and angrily slammed his palm on the door. There was only a mild dent made to it and he grit his teeth. "He's screaming out in pain." He then sent a hard and super strength filled punch into the tiled wall by the door and made broken pieces rain down to the floor but it barely looked cracked. The walls were as super reinforced as the door. Stiles looked down at his knuckles to see that there were some cuts but he could already feel them starting to heal. "Ehh, I hate hunters," he said in a low growl as he glared at the door. The blood was rushing to his head and he felt his insides boiling. His fangs were starting to set in and felt through his clenched and hardened jaw.

"Yeah, I don't think I like them much either." Malia shrink into herself from where she sat. "How bad is it? Scott and the others?"

Stiles turned back to her. "Can't you hear them?"

She shook her head. "Uh, I don't know. I can't concentrate. There's just, too many sounds. So many voices," she said in a panicked voice.

Stiles could hear her heartbeat starting to pick up. He ran over and quickly moved to crotch down over in front of her. "Whoa, hey. Calm down, it's okay. It's okay, you just need to slow your heart rate," he said to her in a soothing tone. "Breathe with me, relax. You've practiced this before with me and Scott, remember that?"

"I know. I'm trying," Malia quickly nodded as she closed her eyes and tried to take deep breaths to calm herself.

But Stiles could still feel her heart rate was still beating fast and he moved to take her clawed hands into his heated ones and began to rub on them. "Have you found yourself an anchor yet?"

"Uh, I don't know," she gasped. "I can't find anything. Nothing I'm trying to think of is working."

Stiles moved in closer. "Okay, it's okay," he said quickly. "Uh, just try focusing on something. Focus on me." He then narrowed his eyes. "Malia, look at me," he barked out. Malia let her eyes open and gaze at his face. "Focus on my eyes. Concentrate on the sound of my voice. Just listen and look at me," he soothed out.

But Malia's breathing was settling. "Uh, I'm trying. What am I supposed to do now?" she asked desperately.

"Anything. Just do whatever you feel you have to do."

She nodded slightly

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She nodded slightly...before she moved in and kissed him. It was a soft kiss but still a heated one that Stiles found himself quickly returning. As their lips rubbed against one another they inhaled each other's scents. The smell of the coyote appeased the wolf while the smell of the wolf settled the coyote. They kissed for a few seconds and they then slowly pulled apart from each other.

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