Chapter Fifteen: Crystal

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"Eric?" James murmured from upstairs.

Eric's whole body reacted to James' voice. The air moved when James stirred between the covers. Eric's skin buzzed. His wolf jumped for joy as the corners of his mouth pulled into a smile. Eric's mate was awake.

"I'm making breakfast!" Eric answered as he flipped the sizzling bacon. The grease popped and little droplets jumped onto his bare hand. The time was creeping closer to lunch than breakfast. Earlier, when he opened his eyes and found James inside his arms, it felt like a crime to wake him. Eric was concerned that by the end of this vacation, James was going to be spoiled.

By the time James pulled himself from bed and reached the bottom of the ladder, a full breakfast was ready: two eggs, crispy bacon, and toast with jam. Eric was ready with a cup of coffee when James' feet hit the ground.

James wore his boxers and wore one of Eric's button up shirts. James' chest was bare and something primal in Eric growled. It took all of Eric's control not to throw James over his shoulder and take him back the ladder.

James took the cup of coffee, but before he adjourned to the table, he reached for Eric's arm. He pulled Eric down, placing a small kiss on Eric's cheek. Eric's face erupted into a smile. He whispered into James' hair, "Was that for the coffee or...?"

"Everything," James muttered into a sip as a blush crawled up his neck.

They ate their breakfast as Eric skimmed the local and national papers. Every now and then, he'd peaked over the edge and catch James' eyes. It was a game. James would look down and pretend he wasn't staring at all. His foot would brush Eric's ankle or their knees would bump. Breakfast was never such a dance before.

Eric set his paper aside. He rested his elbows on the table, folding his fingers and resting his chin onto his thumbs. He suggested, "I figured we could go hiking today."

"Hiking?" James gawked, obviously wide awake. "Eric, I'm supposed to be on vacation."

"What if I promise to take you somewhere amazing with a waterfall and everything?"

James slid off his chair, walking backwards towards the ladder. He threw up a finger gun and grinned, "I'll go hiking, only if you carry me."

Something told Eric that the conversation was a nonstarter, so he collected the plates and gave James his space to get ready. Though, if Eric was being honest, he would have clung to James. Eric wanted to confess every second of the morning.

When James brushed his teeth, Eric wanted to say, "I'm broken. James, you broke me, so you better take responsibility."

When James proposed spending the day at home and taking a walk around the lake instead, Eric wanted to say, "James..." He loved saying his name. "You can have anything you want. Just ask." Eric wanted him to ask too.

After they got dressed, James waited outside on the porch. He wore a recommended set of clothes: simple things like jeans, a T-shirt underneath a thermal and the hiking boots Eric borrowed from Izzy's boyfriend, Alex. Eric reached over and tried to rub the hair sticking up, back down.

James smiled at Eric, expectantly and Eric nearly admitted, "I am in love with you."

Instead, he said, "You lead the way."


At first, James didn't notice, but every now and then, Eric would appear by his side. Something would catch James' eye, whether it be a squirrel or that he thought he saw some sort of creature inside the lake. James would run towards it and when he looked around, Eric would be there. Eric changed his stride to match James' pace and so, they walked together.

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