Chapter Twenty-Two: Copper

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From out of nowhere, James' scream hit Eric's ears like a clap of thunder. His mate's cry rattled Eric's skull and brought him to his knees. He gripped the side of James' desk, bowing his head as the ringing sliced through his ears. His claws went right through the wood, taking out a corner of the desk.

Delphine called his name, but Eric could hardly make out her voice. It was a dull plea as if Eric was submerged under water. James screamed again, and Eric did everything to repress his sharpening canines. Even his bones ached, eager to shift. His mate was hurt. Eric had no idea where he was.

Eric was useless.

Finally, Delphine's voice broke through the haze. She shouted, shaking his shoulder, "Eric! Get a grip! Eric!"

"I'm..." Eric swallowed as the world faded back into existence. "I'm sorry." He didn't feel comforted, even though his headache softened, and the ringing faded. James' stopped screaming and that could have meant anything. Eric pressed his hand to his forehead, pulling himself up by what was left of the desk.

"Don't be sorry," Delphine sighed, tearing the feathers out of her hair. There was nothing she could do to take the wrinkle out of her forehead. "Just don't fall apart. You're supposed to be the sensible one here. What was that?"

"I can..." Eric started, unsure if he wanted to be totally honest. "I can feel James."

"And?" Delphine held her breath.

"We need to find out who Elias Baines is and more importantly, who he's working for."

Delphine nodded, sucking her lips in. She turned back to her desk, searching through her endless stacks of papers and unorganized business cards. Eric glanced at the broken piece of the desk by his feet and the explosion of wooden splinters. He had to get a grip.

Eric's phone rang only once before he answered, "What did you find out?"

"Well," Frances grunted. Behind him, Eric could hear a car door slamming and the sound of an engine revving to life. "Mr. Baines seems to be a popular guy in crowds with deep pockets. The guy specializes in finding people, protecting people, but also making people disappear. What's good for us, is it seems he has no alignment to any house or family."

"What do you mean?" Eric asked as Delphine gasped. He quickly walked around James' desk, walking behind her to spy over her shoulder. With a grin, she held up a business card. In silver writing, it said The Black Timber Wolves.

She whispered, "These were the pricks from a couple of months ago that wouldn't take no for an answer."

"I remember," Eric whispered back and tried not to show Delphine that his stomach twisted. The Black Timber wolves were known for being vicious, for starting fights and ending them with as much violence as possible. This was the kind of pack that couldn't grow in numbers because there weren't many wolves that could survive the lifestyle. They were still stuck in the old world with duels, punishment by public execution and harems of multiple mates. These wolves would not be above kidnapping. The thought of James being among them gave Eric a sour taste in the back of his throat.

Frances explained, "I'm saying the guy is a werewolf, but without a pack."

"So, he's a Rogue?" Eric's brow scrunched. If that was true, Elias would be unlike any Rogue Eric had ever seen. Elias was civilized with an air of caution. This man operated with charm and intelligence. Eric would have never guessed he was a Rogue. The kind of wolves that were more monsters than men, who were stricken from society. The Black Timber Wolves were just one step up from Rogues.

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