1. The Café

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The lights were dim. She was the only one at The Café, aside from the man out back. It was late night and she had become accustomed to the emptiness at this hour. In fact, it was the sole reason why she could be found here on a nightly basis.

She stretched her long legs, resting them atop the leather bench across from her. A black dress ran down the length of her body, stopping just above the knees. The dress contained a waistline seam, accentuating her hips while flaring down into a leather, bell-shaped skirt. Her lace tights complemented the sleeves alongside her black Stiletto heels.

The bell chimed as someone stepped into the café. She sighed, lighting a cigarette at the tip of her crimson lips. Everyone knew to stay out at this time of day, and it angered her that someone had the audacity to oppose her.

But, instead of wasting her breath on the insolent fool, she made sure to keep her eyes focused straight ahead without giving them the satisfaction of even a minor glance in their direction. That would only reward them for their arrogance.

She heard footsteps approaching the register as Randy muttered curses under his breath.

"And, how may I help you on this fine night, sir?" he asked.

It was clear from his tone that Randy was aware what fate had in store for him the second this 'sir' stepped out of the shop. The last time someone intervened in her coffee time, things had not ended well for Randy. The Café had been destroyed to a par, and Randy had ended up paying for serious damage repair.

If it had been anyone else, they'd have called the police on her by now. But this was Randy, the same Randy that had put up with her for the last fifteen years, the same Randy that stuck by her side when everyone else had spat in her face for being unbelievably bitchy, the same Randy who would always care because in the end, she was his best friend.

"Just a black coffee, thanks," the man replied.

She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, exhaling a cloud of smoke into the air.

The coffee machine rumbled to life when suddenly Randy coughed twice, the way he always did when he got nervous. She chuckled. His reactions never ceased to amuse her.

"And what might you be laughing at?" the intruder questioned.

"What's it to you," she hissed.

"Feisty one, aren't you?"

"What's it to you," she repeated, but this time louder.

She felt hands shove her feet aside, before the presence took their place.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to enjoy my cigarette in peace," she spat.

She opened her eyes, and for the first time that night, looked at the despicable creature before her.

She cringed.

How was it that the arrogant bastard who decided to ruin her evening was the most beautiful thing she had ever laid eyes on?

She watched as he took a sip from his coffee, clearly ignoring her words. He was testing her patience but she refused to let him off easily. Said, "You do realize there are a thousand other seats just waiting to be sat on, right?"

"Why of course there are, this being one of the many," he smirked.

He was aware that his presence bothered her, it was the sole reason why he entered The Cafe in the first place.

"I've noticed," he said, "that you are one many fear. You sit here as if you own the place. You destroy as if things are meant to be destroyed. You act without a care in the world. Reckless. Yet somehow, I can't help but notice this strange aura you emit that states otherwise."

"Is that why you are here, to state the obvious while attempting to pull me into your superstitious act? Look, I don't know who the hell you are or why you choose to waste your breath on someone who couldn't care less, but if you have gathered all that about me, you must also know that this is my private time. Now bug off, before I have my friend here escort you and that too, not in a friendly way."

She didn't like the man before her, it was the first time someone had truly gotten under her skin.

She flicked her cigarette and intentionally exhaled toward his face. He coughed, bemused, swatting the air with his free hand.

"I'm afraid you didn't let me finish," he continued.

"Well perhaps that's because I don't want you to finish. Now, goodbye and may we never meet again," she said with a wave of her hand, as she stood and made her way toward the exit.

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