2. Settling Matters

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The ringing of the phone echoed through the walls of her apartment. It was as if they knew no end. She screamed, lifting the pillow to her face in attempt to muffle the sound until it died down. After another thirty seconds or so, the noise came to a halt and she sighed in relief.

"Thank God!" she muttered, closing her eyes tightly and letting the darkness take over once again. It was only a matter of time before the phone resumed its endless torture yet again.

"What the hell!" she screamed. But this time, she dragged herself from the bed, lifting the newly bought antique phone she had longed to buy for so ages - but now regretted - to her ear.

Without giving the person a seconds opportunity to make their presence known, she yelled into the phone.

"I think you need to be informed that it is 11 in the morning and this is the time for my beauty sleep." But just as she went to slam the phone, a voice hastily interrupted.

"Wait. Wait wait wait," it said. "It's Randy. Don't shut the phone dammit. I've been calling you all morning but you weren't picking up your cell. What were you expecting?" He groaned, before continuing, "Seriously Em? Are we really having this conversation, again? I saw what you did to the bar."

"Well, congratulations." she retorted, twirling a strand of hair between her fingers. "It's your own fault. No strangers allowed when I am in The Café. That had been settled a long time ago. I thought you knew better than that Randy?"

"Why must you be so hard on me?" he sighed, rubbing his fingers across his forehead. "Could you at least come and help me get this place back together before tonight?"

She tapped her long, crimson nails against the table prolonging the silence just to annoy him. 

"Fine. But only because you are asking so politely."

"Great. I'll be waiting for you then," he replied.

Shutting the phone, she stretched her arms out, taking in the sight of her condominium for the first time since she got home late last night. Surprisingly, for once, it wasn't messy. Perhaps the maid came in for early cleaning, she thought. She grabbed a sleek yet casual black dress from her closet and headed toward the bathroom. 

She stepped into the shower, turning the knob slowly until the water finally warmed. Steam rose to the ceiling while coating the glass door in a layer of mist. The reaction was instant as the water fell onto her, cascading down the curves of her body and soothing her sore muscles. She must have done some serious damage last night, tossing tables and chairs across the lounge. Her head ached. She could barely remember last nights events. Everything was a blur; the last thing she remembered was stalking off after showing the hand to that intolerable man at The Cafe. 

Midway into her shower, the doorbell went off, pulling her out of her trance.

It rang once, shortly followed by another. Then again and again, with only a seconds gap between each ring.

"I'm coming. I'm coming," she shouted, wrapping herself in a towel. Yet again, the ringing knew no bounds. It was baffling considering she lived alone and rarely had any visitors. She marched toward the door, set out to give the monster a piece of her mind. She yanked the door open with such force that it banged against the adjacent wall before bouncing back just an inch.

"Why can't anyone seem to understand I don't like visitors? Just leave the mail with the secretary at the desk. I've told you that a billion times."

She stopped mid-breath when her eyes landed on the foul specimen before her. She was taken aback. It was the same blue eyes and red hair she had grown to despise. He stood at 6'2", easily towering over her, or at least it felt that way.

"No." she paused, whispering. "It can't be."

An icy glare passed across her face and took her a moment to recover.

"Jacob. What the hell are you doing here?" 

She was beyond shocked. It had been what, 9 years, since they last met?   

"Nice to see you too, Em," he said, brushing her off. He slid right passed, entering her abode for the first time since she gained ownership of it. His eyes ran across her condo, scanning every corner. Its massive size didn't seem to faze him. The ceiling loomed high overhead and a huge window overlooked into the city below. It was an amazing view that she had grown to love.  

He sat down on the couch while propping his feet up against the coffee table. He crossed his arms watching nonchalantly as she tapped her foot impatiently. It was this exact arrogance of his that had caused them to part ways. It only further spiked her rage knowing that he sensed her irritation but chose to ignore it.

"I left you a message," he stated slowly, as if she would not be able to comprehend his words in any other way. "Don't get too excited. I'm not happy to be here myself, but of course Mother felt the need to push me to come here."

"Brother," she replied sarcastically. "Get out!"

She grabbed him by the wrist, yanking him up with all her strength.

"You can push me out all you want," he said. "but I'm here to stay. I bought a place a few blocks from here. You will be seeing me a lot more often than either of us would like."

The thought of her brother living in the same city, literally being just around the corner, did not entertain her. But she didn't want to give him the satisfaction of getting under her skin. Keeping her face neutral, she pointed to the door forcefully and watched his retreating figure as he walked out.

Jacob stopped just outside the door, turned and gave her one last look - the look on his face was bizarre - before the door was slammed right in his face.

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