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"A week has passed and I do hope you're feeling better now than before?" The young man, whose name is Connor, I came to know asked me while fixing the glasses on his nose again.

I was playing with a paperweight kept on the table beside my bed as I let out a loud sigh and nodded.

"So from a level of one to ten, one being the less type of worse and ten being the worst, how would you say that you feel today," he asked me the same question everyday.

"I would say an eleven," I said with a small yawn. I had laid awake all night because of this terrible headache and just wanted to go to sleep again.

Connor had taken me to a mirror room the day before to hypnotise me and ask me some questions. He had the belief that if I were hypnotised, I would be able to reveal something more important and I really don't know what happened because the next thing I knew, I was just sitting on this bed and Connor was sitting right in front of me before he wished me a good night and went outside.

And here he was again, asking questions about me to find  out some stuff. His work is merely like a psychiatrist and more like a detective finding out about what kind of symptoms and different disorders his patients have.

"An eleven is so much better than last week, isn't it? But it still means that you are sad, aren't you?" He asked.

I averted my eyes towards him and then saw a familiar head of messy dark curls outside the door of my room which was translucent.

I quickly asked Connor while feeling my heart beat loudly,

"Am I allowed visitors today?"

"Uhm, why do you ask that to me?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Because Jacob is here. I could see his hair from here. He is standing there, right outside the door and he is quite impatient to meet me. He is shifting from his feet to feet and that's something he does when he is impatient," I said to Connor.

"Oh, okay I get it," Connor said with a half hearted smile as he looked back at the translucent door behind which Jacob stood before he looked back at me again and then asked me,

"Are you sure that you do want to meet him? Do you think that it would be okay for you? Like won't it hurt you? Are you really ready for this?" He asked me several questions just like the worried mother he was.

"Yes, Connor, I would be able to handle that. Just tell him to come and meet me. I am really excited to meet him," I said as I felt my heart beat faster. I had been feeling empty since the time I had regained my senses just a week ago but now, just seeing a glimpse of the boy I loved just a few feet away from me made me feel all shades of pink and love all at once.

My heart was melting and I felt a small smile creeping up my lips even though I really didn't want to see him. After all, I was still such a sap for him.

"Okay then," he said as he slowly got up and then went outside before telling me to take care of myself. He talked with the silhouette of the boy I loved for like five seconds before I saw the same boy with dark hair again. I could already feel my eyes burning with hot tears.

"T-Troye, I know that you told me that you wouldn't like to see my face ever again and I know that I'm partly a cause of why you are here today and why you are such a mess but I'm so sorry , I just wanted to make you happ—"

"Say no more," I said with my stammering and shaky voice as he immediately sobbed. I could see that his fingers were shaking and he was on the verge of breaking down too.

"I'm sorry," he said as I shushed him down with just four words,

"Please hold me now."

And he did. He engulfed me in a large hug and I completely melted in his arms, feeling the scent of vanilla and sweet grass in his neck as I felt my tears dampening his neck.

"I'm so sorry," he just kept on repeating again and again against my ears.

"It's okay, just hold me forever. You may have crushed my hurt and broke me apart but I missed you and trust me, I really didn't wanna do it. Nobody would believe me but I didn't want to die because of everything happening at the moment," I said while sobbing and he just patted my shoulder and pressed a kiss on my earlobe while answering,

"I believe you Troye. I believe that it wasn't you who did this to you. It's someone else. It's just another one of your petals. And I'm just one of those petals too," he said to me, mumbling the words softly.

"I don't understand," I said to him.

"You don't need to understand. It's gonna take some time, angel," he said to me and I just cried. I cried a lot that day. I wouldn't have cried so much in my entire life. It was difficult for me.

So difficult to have the boy I loved in my arms while we cried together. Who would have even thought that we would end up like this, huh? In a room of a mental asylum crying for each other and our wounds pressed together within our chests.

I saw that my parents and even Connor were staring at me through the translucent door. Connor was obviously talking about something as my mum broke down and then left, only leaving my dad to deadly stare at the both of us inside the room.

I just closed my eyes and engulfed myself in Jacob's familiar warmth as I heard him whisper slowly,

"I'm sorry, I lied. I tried not to but I think I've fallen for you. I love you, Troye. I love you."



Like look at her, she is pure beauty I love her so much and she is so intelligent and inspires me so much

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Like look at her, she is pure beauty I love her so much and she is so intelligent and inspires me so much. A literal queen and I was so happy when she came out bisexual like whoop whoop it makes me so happy to idolise someone as beautiful as her.

I also just saw a video of Troye and Jacob and camren (camila cabello and Lauren jauregui) dancing together in a club and of course Troye flipping around like a noodle to "hideaway" by daya and that was so precious, why haven't I even seen it before like what??

Anyways it must have been before last November so idk

Also I would have triple updated but like homework fml

Ily all pls stay safe and wonderful xx

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