Prologue: Promise

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*2nd Person's POV*

You are 7 years old since you moved to a town where your father works, it was a new neighborhood you are playing your piano for the song that you liked until your mother called you, you went downstairs when you get to the door you saw a turquoise haired female about the same age as you

Mother: [y/n], this is our new neighbor Hatsune Miku, Miku-chan this is my son [y/n]

[y/n]: nice to meet you, Miku

Miku: n-n-nice to meet you too

[y/n]: wanna hang out?

Miku: s-sure

You lead her upstairs and she saw your instruments her eyes sparkled and looked at you

Miku: you like music?

[y/n]: yeah, you like music too?

Miku: yeah, when I grow up I want to be a singer, how about you?

[y/n]: *smile* I want to be a composer and producer of music

Miku: oh... sounds like a good dream

[y/n]: yeah, Music touches the heart of the people when they listen to them, I want to be a person that can do the same

Miku: I guess we both want to touch the heart of the people

[y/n]: yeah I guess so

You both talked about you favorite music, meanwhile downstairs your mother is cooking with a smile on her face

Mother: 'guess, he found a new friend'

You and Miku became bestfriends since then both of you are now attending one of the most prestigious academy, "Future Tone Academy", you two were inseparable most of the people you met assumed that you both are dating, but it wasn't true, you were "just friends", you look to the sky then heard someone calling your name, it was none other than the twin tailed princess herself

Miku: hey [y/n]!!!

[y/n]: yeah?

Miku: wanna hang out today?

[y/n]: sure I don't have anything to do

Miku: *smile* great!! let's hang out now!!

 she grabs your hand which made heat rise up from your cheeks but you smile anyway

[y/n]: okay okay calm down Miku....

You both played video games, watch a movie and all of those things friends do when they hung out, some people assume that you two are on a date


Miku lead you to a hill with a tree on it, she ran towards it while you walk to follow her

Miku: come on [y/n], hurry up!!!

[y/n]: *smile* I'm coming....

When you reach the top you could see everything in the town, your smile widen even further at the scene what makes the scenery more enchanting is that the sun is setting, you both sat beside each other

[y/n]: it's beautiful... Thank you for bringing me here

Miku: I'm glad you like it... Hey [y/n]?

[y/n]: yes Miku?

She grabbed both of your hand making you blush immensely she's also blushing as much as you if not, even more

Miku: will you promise me something?

[y/n]: sure, I'll do my best to keep that promise

Miku: promise that we will be together forever?

[y/n]: of course, I'll always be here near you

Miku: *smile* thank you [y/n]

She rest her head on your shoulder, and enjoy the moment

Miku: I wish this moment last forever

[y/n]: me too

You gave a sad smile you really do wish this moment would last

I love you..... GoodbyeWhere stories live. Discover now