5. Personal

782 29 2


Unknown, 11:55pm: Hey

Perrie: You again? I thought you gave up texting me.

Unknown: Wdym? I haven't texted you in just a few days.

Perrie: Yes, but you used to text me everyday even twice a day sometimes.

Unknown: If I knew you'd miss me so much, I'd have stopped texting you more often.

Perrie: What? I didn't miss you. I was perfectly fine without you and your stupid flirting and dirty jokes. Don't take yourself too serious.

Unknown: So you missed my flirting and dirty jokes?

Perrie: Shut up.

Perrie: I'm not in the mood for you rn.

Unknown: Why, babe? What happened?

Perrie: What happened happened. It's none of your business.

Unknown: Don't get upset bc of some stupid exam results. You'll do better next time and fix it. X

Perrie: HOW DO YOU KNOW? Are you in my chemistry class!?

Unknown: No, I just have sources.

Perrie: Ok, now you're scarier (and weirder) than before.

Unknown: I just really like you.

Perrie: You don't do all of this when you like someone. You go and talk to them like a normal person would instead of stalking and texting them without revealing your identity.

Unknown: Well, I'm not so normal then but you like it. Don't fool me, Perrie. You don't like normal people like who respect the rules and are afraid to broke a law. You don't like this. Its boring. You need someone who'd jump in the cold water in the middle of the night with you and I can assure you I'm this type of a person.

Perrie: Since you want to win my attention so bad why are you still hiding behind that screen?

Unknown: I already told you. Plus I might have some reasons I don't wanna share.

Perrie: If you know me as well as you say you should know you can tell me  anything.

Unknown: I know. I just don't want to.

Perrie: Why? You know everything about me. I deserve to know something about you.

Unknown: I don't want to share anything, Perrie.

Perrie: But WHY!?


Perrie: Okay..


                       Seen, 01:44pm

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