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I walked inside the canteen and saw eveyone that was in the old library already there

Bruh HOW

As soon as I walked in eveyone cheered and ace hugged me and aiden just smirked and i walked off with ace leaving Aiden behind

'Hey jax texted me saying he was at home' ace said

'And plus THAT WAS AWESOMEEE' he shouted and i laughed

'What lesson you got last' i asked

'Chem' he asked and i groaned

'I got maths fuck sakes' i said ad he laughed

'Hey you gonna eat anything' he asked and i nodded

'Nah I'm ok' i said and he nodded

'Ok' he said and continues eating go sandwich an i pulled out my phone and saw Aiden glaring at me


What crawled up his ass and died

I texted jax and he said he was asleep and the i got a call from him

Oh ok I'm dead

'Heyy'  i said

'Don't hey me YOU JUST FUCKING WOKE ME UP' he shouted

'Geez what crawled up your ass and died' i said

'Ughhh I'm going to bed' he said hanging up

'Goodnight child' i said and heard a chuckle and he hung up

'Well that went well than I expected' i said and ace laughed

'You should know not to wake him up' he said

'I DIDN'T KNOW HE WAS ASLEEP' i hissed and he laughed and then I felt a punch on my back and i tunred sound and saw brittany

'UGHH FUCK YOU WANT' i shouted and stood up

'STAY AWAY FROM AIDEN' she shouted

'HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK' i said punching her square in the jaw across her face


'BITCH SHUT UP OR MY FIST WILL BE INVITED TO YOUR FACE' i said and saw brittany was knocked out

'Clingy bitch' i spat and the bell and ace hugged me

'I'm going' he said and i sat down in the cafeteria and just sat there

What is going on with my life

First dad dies and it was all my fault

I was 6 years old and it was almost night i think it was around 6 or 7 pm and i walked. More like waddled to my dad

'Daddy i want ice cream' i said

'Not at this hour' lexi said and i pouted

'Come on its just an ice cream' my dad said and all my brother came and wanted ice cream and my dad put us all in the car and he drove off

After we had our icecream we were laughing and messing around when we saw a car coming the opposite way and my dad jumped on top of us and when i woke up i was in the hospital with my brothers and my mom was crying and i saw my dad was all white

I got out of the bed and waddled to my dad and held his hand

'Daddy wake up' i said and felt an arm push me

'THIS IS YOUR FUCKING FAULT BITCH' Lexi shouted and he caught me and i was hit again on my leg which caused for it to scar and it's still there
End of flashback

I didn't realise I was crying when tears dripped down my face and i wiped them away

I stood up and walked out of the canteen and slowly made my way to maths when I felt arms wrap around my waist and pin me to the walls and i saw it was Aiden

'What are you doing' i said and my voice cracked because I was crying

'Why are you crying' he asked

Oh shit fuck

He knows...

the bad boy and the bad girl (completed)Where stories live. Discover now