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Adrians pov

Aiden pressed his lips against mine and eveyone cheered as i smirked against his lips and he hit me on my arm and i stopped smirking and seconds later his tounge was exploring my mouth and he put me down and my hands trailed to his defined perfect jawline and i felt his jaw line a bit tensed as we kissed and as soon as I touched it he loostened up and snaked an arm past my waist and pulled me closer but we soon pulled back due to the lack of air

'WELL BITCHES LET'S CELEBRATE' zoe said and Aiden grabbed my hand and i smiled at him and we had our hands locked and we made our way inside as jax was pouring drinks and passed them all out

'Ok only a few drinks and then we sleep it's 10:30' jax said and me and aiden took a few more drinks and we headed upstairs and i put on some sweats and but left my shirt inside and tied my hair up and I felt arms snake past my waist and kiss me cheek

'Hey' i said and he turned me around and I saw he was wearing sweats and was shirtless

'Like what you see take a picture it will last longer' he said and i pulled out my phone and actually took a picture and he took my phone and since I was shirtless too he took a picture me and i leaned forward and pecked him but his hands came forward and we started making out until i felt he was putting a shirt on me

'Let's sleep' he said and i pouted

'I dont wanna sleep' i said

'We have school' he said

'Since when have you cared about school' i said and Aiden rubbed circles on my back and i started feeling sleepy

'You know what let's just sleep' i said and we headed to the bed and we crawled inside and as soon as aidens arms snaked past my waist and pulled me to his chest darkness over come me

Next morning


Baby wake up' i felt strokes on my cheek as I fluttered my eyes open and i saw Aiden was hovering over me and i pulled my arms forward wrapping them around his neck and he instantly responded and kissed my head

'Go get changed I'll be downstairs babe' he said and put in a shirt and i walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower and stripped down and hopped in

I washed my hair and my body with some vanilla soap and while I was showing i swear i heard the door opened but i coukdnt check since i had soap in my eyes but after I was showered i turned off the water and i realised....

I had no clothes

I pulled back the curtain to see an outfit sitting in the counter and a note

Realised you didn't take any clothes
So i picked some out for you
Put it on and come downstairs I'm making chocolate chip pancakes

Love Aiden

He wrote with a small heart shaded in

the outfit was a grey crop top that said

I'm allergic to B.I.T.C.H.E.S

And some ripped jeans and my silver Jordans and my leather jacket

Damn he has a good taste

I quickly threw on my clothes and brushed my hair and i put on some mascara and grabbed my phone and car keys and ran downstairs and everyone looked at us

'Aw look at the love birds matching' Quinn said and i looked at Aiden and he was wearing the same kinda thing

He was wearing a plain grey shirt with jeans and a leather jacket and some white Jordans and i sat next to him and he passed me a plate of 2 pancakes and i dug in

After we ate i got up and after eveyone left of felt someone grab my arm and spin me around and I turned around to face Aiden and his hot breath on my neck

'COME ON LET'S GO' ace shouted

'Yo go without me' i said and heard an ok and the door closed

Suddenly he said

'I love you adrian'......

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