Chapter 6

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Zelo's POV:

"We're here!  Thanks hyung!"

"Wah!  You live here?"

"Oh.  Ani!  I'm just staying here till my parents get back."

"Oh.  Ah!  Here's my number in case you need something or get lost again."  He handed me a card and winked.  I felt a blush creep up my face,  not because I like him or anything.  It was because I was embarrassed that i cried like that, just because I got lost.  Way ta' be a man Zelo!

"Ah. Thanks hyung."  I replied while scratching a non-exsistance itch on the back of my head.  I reached out and grabed it.

"See you around."  He smiled his charismatic smile that would make anyone melt, even me.

"N-Ne."  I closed the door and he drove off,

I sighed and looked at the front gate.  Is he home yet?  How could that bastard leave me slone like that!  I felt tears forming around my eyes again.  Stupid.

I barged through the gate and headed inside.  I took a shower and changed into some warm clothes.  I headed toward his room with the teddy bear in my hand.

"Hyung!  You back yet?"  I knocked on his door.  "Hyung?"  I knocked again.  "Hyuuunnng~"  I turned the door knob and surprisingly it was open.   I remembered hyung telling me to never go into his room.  I shivered at the thought of what he'd do to me.  I shook the thought out of my head.  I pushed the door slightly making it open and covered my face just in case he was in there.

There was no movement so I stuck my head in and roamed my eyes around the room.  Hmm....  So like him.  I regained my posture and slowly crept into his room.  Hmmm... He's not back yet.  I walked over to his bed and but the teddy bear by his pillow.  I studied it and smiled.

I suddenly felt myself getting a littel dizzy so I carefully settled myself on his soft bed.  I grabed one of his pillows and covered my face with it.

Heheh.  It smells like him....  Wait shouldn't I be mad at him right now.  Yeah, I should! He left me alone there!  How could he....  Did he mean to leave me there or something?  Did he not ... Want me or something?...  Suddenly Taemin's face pop into my mind....

Just like him....

Tears started to well up in my eyes and when one finally fell i started to sob.  I was alone again... In that dark room... With no one to hold me...

After a couple of minutes,  my head started to ache really bad as a fell into a deep slumber.

Bang's POV:

"Sleep.  You look horrible."

"Ne."  She settled herself in her bed as I sat beside her, softly stroking her hair.

"So... Why did you call me instead of that Minho dude?"

"Minho?"  She said in a tired tone.   "You still remember him?  Well I never had the courage to confess...  I was always admiring from afar but I never tried to get even an inch closer to him.  While I was observing him,  I found out that he was a player.  He didn't stick to one girl.  It was girl after girl.  When I found this out,  my heart broke into pieces."  She sighed for a moment.  "So I figure it was time to call it quits.  I didn't need a man like that."

"Good.  I would be pissed if you left me for a man like that."

She chuckled a bit and fell asleep.

I decided to go pack some clothes,  knowing she would need some company for a while.

At Bang's residence:

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