Lunch and Rumors

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Ayano and Osano walked over to a nearby shop that sold food. They both got noodles and ate in silence.

Ayano- I just wanted to thank you again for buying me lunch, twice now.
Osano- Oh, it's nothing.

Ayano starts to eye Kizana and Taro behind them.

Ayano's Thoughts- Ugh why are they together! I need to put the cigarettes in her bag during club time.

Osano- How's your project?
Ayano- It's going fine. What about your test?
Osano- I got an A.
Ayano- Wow, impressive.

Kizana- So Taro, what do you think about the drama club?
Taro- Well, I don't really like joining clubs. But the drama club is well organized and I would like to try it sometime.
Kizana- You can go to the club today if you want.
Taro- Sure

Ayano's Thoughts- Senpai's going to be there! But this would just make it harder, maybe if I spread some rumors about Kizana then he'll deny.

Osano- I think we should head back to school.
Ayano- Sure.

Ayano and Osano throw away their trash and start to head back to school. While Kizana and Taro keep on talking unaware of the time.

Osano- Any news from your parents?
Ayano- No, their still overseas.
Osano- It must be lonely.
Ayano- I manage.
Teacher- Have you two seen Taro or Kizana?
Osano- We saw them eating lunch at that food place across the street.
Teacher- Okay, take your seats.

Taro looks at the time...
Taro- Uh-oh it's late! We're doing to be late to school.
Kizana- then we better run!

Kizana and Taro make it to school 15 minutes late and teachers are disappointed in them.

Ayano's thoughts- Kizana's making Taro late! But she's already in trouble.

When schools over Ayano goes to here locker and gets the cigarettes and sees the toy that Osano gave to her. She stares at it thinking to herself, " Is it possible that I like Osano? I mean I met him before Senpai.... Ayano! No! You like Senpai not Osano... but Osano's been there for me... what did Taro NO Senpai do?"

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