Chapter One

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Alan Parrish and Sarah Whittle are 13 years old.

Sarah's boyfriend Billy Jessop and his friends bully Alan. This one particular day, they chased him to his father's shoe factory, where they punched him and stole his bike.

Alan was walking home when he heard a mysterious banging coming from inside a large mound of earth on the construction site he pulled the mud off to reveal a dusty wooden box, he wiped away the dirt on the top, it was a board game called Jumanji. He took it home with him and hid it underneath the sofa, his parents were going out to a dinner, after his mother kissed him goodbye his dad said "We'll be back soon, son" then they were out the door. Alan put the game on the table and when a few minutes had passed he heard a knock on the front door.

As he opened it he saw a blonde girl, in the shape of his best friend and enemy's girlfriend, Sarah Whittle. "I brought your bike back" she said and gave an apologetic smile.

"I was just going over to Billy's to get it myself" he answered.

"I've told him to stop picking on you" she said, but he ignored her and started walking outside, preparing to run away, but s he passed her, a small banging noise was all that could be heard "What was that?" Sarah asked.

"You heard it too?"

"Of course I heard it" she replied as they both began to walk inside, Alan explained to her where he found it, they both decided to play.

When Sarah rolled the dice, her counter moved forward and a message appeared in the middle, it said 'At night they fly, you better run, these winged things are not much fun' they hear noises coming from the fireplace, Alan rolls and his message was ' In the jungle you must wait until the dice read 5 or 8' and then Sarah screamed Alan's body was dust, whirling into the board game.  Then the bats from the fireplace came out and surrounded Sarah, then chased her down the street.

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