Paperback Swans & Ease Dropping Imps

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The witch's bright blue eyes widened, "I-I..." "Is that how you really feel, sis?" Her sister questioned as she placed both her hands on Zelena's.

"I don't know, I never felt this way about anyone before. Not even Hades. Besides, she's a happily married women with that imp." The red headed witch sighed as she stabbed a fork into her pancakes. "And who could love a jealous witch like me? The Lord of the Underworld even did a poor job of faking his feelings for me."

Regina walked around the kitchen island to sit next to her sister. "Who could ever love an evil queen? Sis, there's someone out there for everyone. And there's plenty of other monkeys in the sky." Zelena giggled at Regina's poor attempt at an Oz related analogy.

"You and Swan are perfect for each other. A hero and a villain." Zelena stated as she tried to eat the delicious breakfast treat. "What's wrong? I thought you liked Emma's cooking." The Mayor exclaimed. "I do, I just have a lot of butterflies in my stomach right now. Is that normal?" Regina chuckled, "Yes, it's completely normal to feel that way when you're in love."

"You know, sis, I've never been with a woman before." Said the witch quietly. "That's normal too, it doesn't matter who you love, a man or a women, as long as you're happy. And I think Belle will make you happy." Regina explained.

Zelena's cheeks turned a light pink as the Mayor mentioned the Bookworm's name. "I think so too." The witch stated as a small smile appeared on her face and she pushed her red hair behind her ears.


The blonde sheriff drove down Main Street toward the Storybrooke Public Library shortly after the sun rose over the small town. She noticed that Belle was already up and about outside, turning the closed sign to the opposite side stating "OPEN". 

"Hey, Belle." Emma exclaimed as she ran into the Bookworm before she went inside the library. "Good morning, Emma. Can I get you anything today?" The brunette smiled. "Yeah, Regina wanted some spell books to help her work on her potions." The blonde stated as she took out a crinkled piece of paper which listed which books her girlfriend needed.

"Here you go." The brunette glanced at the titles listed and said, "Her sister took most of these books out last night, but I'll help you find some other ones while you're here. Anything else you needed today?" "Well, I just wanted to talk to you about the conversation you had with Zelena last night." Emma said casually as she slipped her hands into her red leather jacket pockets.

"What about it?" Belle questioned as she began to shelf books from the cart. Before Swan could explain what she wanted to say to the Bookworm, Rumplestiltskin walked across the street from his shop, since he hadn't seen his wife in a while. He stood behind the entrance doors quietly once he heard the two women talking so he could overhear the conversation.

"Zelena wanted to know if you wanted to casually hang out again, maybe on a date?" The blonde elaborated to the Bookworm. The brunette's eyes widened as she heard the sheriff's statement. "She what?" She asked calmly.

"Zelena wanted to know if you wanted to come over to Regina's mansion tonight and sort of have a date. You know with dinner, dancing, a movie? Whatever you're into." A small, blushing smile appeared on Belle's face.

"I didn't know she felt that way. I'd love to. And besides, I don't think Rumple would mind since we haven't spent much time together. He's locked himself away in his shop for the past few weeks, I think he wants some time apart."

Gold's face turned into one of annoyance when he heard the statement from his wife. He began to think that she was right since he did want to work more on his magic and spells than spend time out of his shop. Either way, he wanted to stir up some chaos with his wife and the witch since there hadn't been any excitement since the heroes embarked on a journey to the Underworld.

As he walked back across the street to his shop to prepare for the evening festivities, he sealed the library's locks with blood magic and a noise cancelling spell, so Belle and Emma couldn't return to the Mansion by nightfall and made Emma's cell phone disappear into a cloud of red smoke, only to make it reappear in his hands.

"I'm glad to hear it Belle, I'll tell Zelena you'll be coming over tonight. I think she'll be thrilled to hear the news." The sheriff replied as she dug through her left and right jacket pockets to retrieve her iPhone. "That's weird, I can't find my phone anywhere." "Maybe you dropped it outside. I'll go look." She pushed and pulled the white metal doors, but they didn't budge. "Emma, I think we're trapped."

Back at the Mayor's Mansion...

"Why isn't Emma back yet? She left almost  three hours ago." Regina exclaimed. "Maybe if you had let her take your Mercedes, she'd already be back by now." Her sister responded as she placed her completely finished pancake plate in the dishwasher.

"I love Emma, but nobody touches my Mercedes but me. She can take her yellow metal death trap if she wants to drive anywhere." The red headed witch rolled her eyes at the Mayor's explanation. Regina's blackberry began to vibrate on the kitchen counter.

Regina and Zelena both exchanged looks and made the phone disappear, it soon reappeared in the red headed witch's hands. "You really should work on your spells, sis. You're getting rusty." She laughed, while her younger sister rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Well if you're going to steal my phone, could you at least read me the text?" Regina stated. "How do I turn this thing on? It says I need a passcode." "Just give it to me. Someday I should teach you how to use modern technology." The Mayor suggested as the witch smirked. "Emma says that Belle agreed to come over tonight at eight for a date." Regina read.

"The Bookworm is coming over here, tonight, at eight? I don't even have anything to wear for an occasion like this. And I only have several hours to prepare." Zelena began to hyperventilate at the idea that she was going on a date that night. "You have like twelve hours, Zel. And I think any dress you have will do."

"But this is for the Bookworm. It's even more important than the royal galas I attended back when I was the Queen of Oz." The witch explained. "Then I'll help you look your best." Regina stated as both sisters began to smile.

In Mr. Gold's shop, Rumple had to prepare for the date as well. He had to transfigure himself into his wife and not act suspicious whatsoever. Gold waved his hands over his feet to his head. He was soon transformed into his brunette, stiletto wearing wife and was ready to cause some chaos in the small, quiet town.

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