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Beca rose from her sleep early as usual. She was never really a morning person, but since having kids and growing large in her career, she's found herself getting up at strange times like four in the morning. She's discovered that it is in fact the best time to think. The city is just waking up, the sun is barely out, and after a nice big cup of coffee, her brain is free of all distractions. Then eight o'clock rolls around and she's waking her kids up for their day of schooling. Anne, now ten, has upgraded to the fifth grade and Beckett, now five, had just graduated into kindergarten. Today will be their first day back since summer break began and they're both fairly excited while their parents are nervous.

When her alarm rang to wake the kids, Beca paused her mixing and walked to a room across from her studio. She stepped around all of the ninja turtles and hot wheels scattered across the floor and sat on the edge of the bed, which was also decorated in ninja turtles. "Beck, it's time to get up, bud." She gently nudged the small boy awake. "You gotta get ready for school." A small groan sounded but he began unfolding himself from the covers. With a quick kiss to his cheek, Beca stepped out of the room and into a room filled with movie posters.

"Morning, mommy." Anne smiled brightly at her mother. "Hey, sweetie. I was just coming to wake you up."

"I got up early. I am excited. We get combination lockers and we switch classrooms now!" Beca smiled at her daughter's enthusiasm for school, the kind of enthusiasm that she herself never had. "Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. Don't fight with your brother this morning. Momma is sleeping in."

"Yes, ma'am."

Beca left the room, giving the girl her privacy. She returned to the kitchen for the second time that morning and began preparing a breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, and a glass of orange juice for each kid. Within the next half an hour, both were fed and dressed and chomping at the bit to leave. Grabbing her keys, Beca released her crazy kids to the outside world, chuckling as they raced to the car.

The ride consisted of Beca going over a few rules and the kids pretending to listen to them for the fiftieth time. When she finally pulled the car up to the school building, both children were rushing to get out and begin their days. "Bye, love you! Have a good day! Stay out of trouble!" She watched them enter the building before she pulled away and headed back to their home.

Chloe was still asleep as she usually is at this time. Her job keeps her up at all hours of the day and luckily for her Beca doesn't mind getting up and taking care of things the morning. After cleaning the breakfast mess up she climbs back into bed with the ginger that she vowed to spend the rest of her life with. She watched her sleep for a moment before a lightbulb lit up. With a smirk, she slipped beneath the covers and pulled the jogging shorts off of her wife's body. She smiled at the freshly shaved sight before her and began to gently stimulate the area with her tongue.

After moments of gentle teasing, soft moans were heard from the sleeping woman, followed by a groggy voice. "Well, good morning to you, too." Beca giggled softly, receiving another moan as the vibrations tormented Chloe's sensitive nub. "This isn't going to take very long. You know I'm sensitive in the mornings."

"I know, but that's also when you're the best." Beca's lips immediately wrapped around the small nerve bundle and loud, guttural moans filled the air as Chloe tugged on the sheets, immense pleasure tearing through her at the touch of her talented wife. She felt the fire in her stomach ignite and reignite not twice but four times before the brunette finally pulled herself from under the blanket and tangled her lips with Chloe's in a passionate kiss. "I love when you wake me up like that."

"Good, I love waking you up like that." The ginger giggled and kissed her wife softly a few more times.

"Our life together is so perfect. Nothing could ruin this."

The start of book two! Kind of sucky, but introductions usually are and I figured you guys would like a little BeChloe loving before what I have planned begins. No spoilers, though!

Keep an eye out! Chapter 1 coming soon!

Jesse's Girl 2: The Final ChapterWhere stories live. Discover now