Chapter Five

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After a couple of weeks had passed, neither Chloe nor Anne had woken from their comatose states, but Chloe's visitations raised from one family member at a time to multiple people of all variety. The former Bellas were the first non blood people to enter their former choreographer's hospital room the moment they were given the go ahead. Beca stood off to the side and watched as each woman took a turn to talk to her wife.

Emily was the first to muster the balls to approach their disfigured friend, "God, Chloe. I can't believe this has happened to you of all people. I mean, if it was going to happen, I figured it'd be Amy. She drives like a crazy woman."

"He- no, you're right. I'm crazy." Amy began to interject with a denial but realized that the youngest Bella wasn't wrong. "Anyway flat butt, I hope you wake up. I'll miss you if you don't. Who will I have to make ginger jokes about? I love you, Chloe."

"You're one hot piece of ass, Chloe. Beca's lucky to have a girl like you. I hope you come back to her, but I understand if you can't. But if you don't, is it okay if I sneak a glance of your goodies?" Cynthia was greeted by a sharp elbow into her side then nudged away by the usual object of her affection.

"Em is right, I can't believe you're the one laying here right now. It feels like just yesterday I was listening to you complain about Jesse dipping his sausage into Beca's gravy then bragging about it when it was finally your turn." Stacie spoke in vulgar metaphors per usual, "I hope you don't leave her. After everything the two of you have been through, you deserve a happy ending."

"In my country, we don't get hit by cars. We get trampled by donkeys and if you're lucky, you don't get kicked in the head. But good luck." Flo made no sense, as usual.

"My brother was hit by a car." Lilly quietly voiced a fact that nobody could really hear, not that they'd really care to.

Jessica and Ashley kissed the girl's cheek softly, not really knowing what to say, then it was Aubrey's turn. Slowly the eldest Bella approached the bed that her best friend since grade school laid almost lifeless in. She took a deep breath as her hand gently looped into the ginger's, doing her best not to cry.

"Oh my God, you look worse than I imagined." Her voice cracked as a tear ran down her cheek, but she managed to keep it together. "Chloe, you've been my best friend for as long as I can remember. I was the uptight and bossy one and you were the outgoing and peppy one. We made a great team, especially when it came to organizing a group of acapella singing girls, even if it took your wife to actually lead us to a national victory. I remember the day that you came out to me. I mean, I already knew because you didn't hide it well, just like I knew that you were i love with Beca before you actually told me. The look on your face when you first saw her... I've never seen that before. And I hated her for putting you through all that she did. That's why I was so hard on her. But I realized that I was a little too hard and that I was starting to push her away and ruin your chances, so I tried to be nice. It was hard since she was such a mouthy pain in my ass, but it was for you so I pushed through. When she finally realized her love for you, it made all of it worth it. Chloe, I love you so much. You're the yin to my yang and I want nothing more than for you and your baby girl to wake up and return to this world and to the woman that is desperately in love with you and to me. But if you can't keep fighting, I want you to know that..." she stopped talking as the sobs began to break free. She tried to calm them enough to finish speaking, "I want you know that you can let go. We understand. We love you." Beca was at the blondes side, supporting her as she broke down and let it all out. Normally she wouldn't care so much, but she knows exactly how Aubrey feels because she feels the same way.

"It's gonna be okay, Bree. She'll be okay." Beca whispered into the girl's ear as she comfortingly rubbed her back. "No matter what she chooses, she's loved and supported."

Another week later

Beca sat curled up in the chair by Chloe's bedside fast asleep. She still hasn't been able to visit her daughter, so she's refused to leave her wife's side for anything. She did break for a quick five minute shower, then she was back in the room. She wanted to keep an eye on her wife and make sure that she was there if anything major happened. She had just fallen into a deep slumber after enduring yet another long cry session.

A few feet away, Chloe laid completely still in the hospital bed. She had been still since the accident, not so much as a twitch of any sort. At least, not until today. While Beca slept, Chloe's muscles slowly began to twitch one by one. First her toes, then her legs, then her fingers, then her eye lids. A few seconds after twitching, Chloe's eyelids gradually lifted and revealed her eyes to the fluorescent lights, causing her to blink multiple times until her pupils were able to adjust to their new lighting. The blue orbs darted from side and all around, trying to figure out where she was. She didn't recognize the visuals, but she recognized the sounds as hospital equipment. She looked down at her body and whined at the sight of her mutilated body.

After a moment of taking in her new look, she began to try moving her body parts. She tried lifting each arm and leg then turned her head in both directions. Her lips curled into a small smile when she saw her wife fast asleep in a chair beside her. Without even realizing it, she reached out for the tiny brunette, wanting nothing more than to hold her, feeling like she hasn't seen her in ages.

"B-Beca." Her voice was soft and scratchy as it hadn't been used in awhile and there was a tube down her throats to help breathe up until a couple days ago. She swallowed what little spit she had to try and wet her throat to try speaking again. "Beca." It came out louder this time and her wife jerked awake

Beca rubbed her eyes before looking at the door, feeling confused when she saw nobody. She heard her name again and her eyes widened as she recognized the voice, though weak. "Oh my God, Chloe!" Her body quickly lifted from the chair and turned toward her wife. "You're awake. You're awake! Oh my God, you made it!" Tears fell furiously as she placed gentle kisses on her wife's lips. "You came back to me." She said softly and leaned her forehead against the gingers.

"Baby, I don't understand. Why am I in the hospital? Why do I look like the turkey at the Bella Thanksgiving celebration after Amy gets a hold of it?"

Beca pulled away and looked at her wife in slight disbelief, "Wait. You don't remember what happened?" Chloe shook her head. "Chlo, you were in an accident. You've been in a coma for weeks."


Short, I know. But I wanted to get a little good news in here. Sorry if it's bad, I just got home from a reunion and I'm exhausted but can't sleep. And sorry it took so long to update. I'm getting stuff ready school and stuff.

Anyway, more soon. Hope you liked!

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