Chapter Two

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Video attached is the song, obviously. It hits you harder when reading while listening. Enjoy and please ignore mistakes! I fixed what I caught!

yes, i do, i believe that one day i will be where i was. right there, right next to you.

Chloe laughed in sheer happiness at Anne's excited squeal as she was chased by her other mother. When Beckett, yes they named their second child after Beca per Chloe's request, was born, the couple made a plan that will help to ensure that they stay close to their non biological child. They agreed that once Beckett became old enough to understand what's happening, they would set a day of each week to take the child out for some fun. So, every Wednesday, Chloe and Anne and Beca and Beckett did their own thing.

and it's hard, the days just seem do dark. the moon and the stars are nothing without you.

The female duo of similar names had just enjoyed a nice helping of ice cream and were now set to make an adventure to the park. There they would indulge in a familiar game of Pirates, because Anne had a thing for Pirates of the Caribbean due to her unadmittedly large crush on Johnny Depp, and burn off some of that sugar that they had just ingested.

your touch, your skin. where do i begin? no words can explain the way i'm missing you. deny this emptiness, this hole that i'm inside.

"Argh! Ye matey! I'm gonna steal ala'yer gold!" Chloe used her best pirate impression, finishing the ensemble by closing one eye and making a hook shape with her finger. "No! Walk the plank!" Anne yelled as she pointed her sword, which was really just a stick that she had found on the ground, at her mother. "Erg! I've been caught again! Curses, Captain Anne!" Chloe walked across the plank, or balance breams to the normal eye, losing her foothold halfway across and falling to the ground beneath her. "Mommy!"

these tears, they tell their own story. told me not to cry when you are gone, but the feeling's overwhelming. it's too much, too strong.

Chloe laid still for a moment, allowing the breath that was sucked from her lungs to return before jumping back up. "Mommy? I'm Captain Ginger!" She smiled up at the child as she pushed themselves back into the game, using the "villainous" name that her daughter had given to her character. After an hour or so of play, the duo decided it was time to meet up with the other two for dinner. Anne is still slightly rowled up, dancing around in her seat to a Kidz Bop album, her mother looking over occasionally with an adoring giggle. She had looked away for only a second, hut it took less than that for Anne's face to drain of color and expel a terrified, "Mommy!"

can i lay by your side? next to you, you and make sure you're alright. i'll take care of you and i don't want to be here if i can't be with you tonight.

Chloe followed the young girl's gaze and frantically tugged at the wheel, but then opposing truck had been moving faster than her car. She protectively grabbed for her wife's beautiful creation, but the force of the impact ripped the child from the protective shield her mother provided. There was nothing that Chloe could do but sit in agony as her body was tossed around like a ragdoll, the sound of busting glass and painful screams from both of them piercing through her.

i'm reaching out to you, can you hear my call? this hurt that i've been through. i'm missing you, missing you like crazy.

"NNNOOO!!!" Beca's panicked screams startled the paramedics and police at the scene. She made a run for it, knocking down the caution tape. An officer stepped between the fiery brunette and her family and she leaped forward in hoped of breaking through the barrier, but the man was larger and stronger than herself. Instead of cowering away, he caught the woman who began to thrash about in his arms, trying to knock herself loose. "Fuck!" She screamed multiple times, "Let me go you fucking tub if lard! That's my wife and daughter you stupid fucks! You can't keep me from them!"

can i lay by your side?

With the go ahead from his captain, the man let the worried mother and wife pass. She rushed to the nearest family member, tears escaping profusely at the sight of her nearly unrecognizable wife. Chloe's face was busted up, her already red hair had been dyed a darker red from the insane about of blood, and the parts of her body that Beca could see through her tattered clothing were bruised and/or bleeding. "Oh my God, baby."

next to you, you and make sure you're alright.

The ginger's eyes opened the best of their ability on their current state, and peered up at her wife. "I'm so sorry. I tried to protect her." Chloe's voice was weak as her body worked tirelessly. "No, baby. Its not your fault." Beca assured the girl through her tears, kissing her swollen lips very gently. "Don't talk." She stopped her wife's attempts when she heard the starts of words forming. "You need to save your energy so you can come back to me." Chloe shook her head in denial, determined to speak no matter how long it took. "Anne. . .go. . .take care. . .tell her. . .th-. . .l-love her."

i'll take care of you and i don't want to be here if i can't be with you tonight.

"I will. Don't you die on me, Beale. I need you." Beca held her wife's hand tight, speed walking to stay caught up to the now moving gurney. Chloe's puffy lips curved into a tiny smile, "I l-lo. . ." Beca carefully wiped a bloody tear that managed to escsle Chloe's eye and trail down her cheek. "I love you, too, Chlo bear. Forever and always, baby. We're titanium." Chloe cupped Beca's cheek and shared a meaningful stare, Beca's fingers curling around Chloe's hand. "Titanium." Chloe reiterated then disappeared behind the doors to the ambulance. Beca's attention toward to the group of paramedics working vigorously to stabilize a child sized body, her stomach immediately churning as she began to lift her feet off of the ground.

lay me down tonight.

Walking so slow a turtle could have passed her up twice, Beca approached her daughter's gurney.

lay me by your side.

The sobs ripped through Beca's body st the horrendous sight of her child who's beauty, just that morning, shone brighter than the sun. She stood frozen in her position as she watched the trained group of professionals try to stabilize the unconscious child's vitals.

lay me down tonight.

"Anne!" Beca cried out for her daughter, dropping beside her and encasing her tiny hand in her own. The paramedics, having finally stabilized her, stood to the side and watched the broken mother with distraught expressions. "Ma'am, are you the mother?" One man asked as Beca kissed all around the girl's bloodied face. "We have to tell you some pretty hard news. Are you okay to hear it?"

lay me by your side.

Beca looked up at the medical team in absolute despair. "My baby, she's going to be okay, isn't she? Please tell me she's going to be okay. I can't lose my baby." She begged for good news, but the paramedics expressions dragged her hopes down and buried them so deep they touched the earth's fiery core. The man debated speaking, not wanting to be the cause for a mental breakdown. "Ma'am, we're not doctor's really, but we can tell you that your daughter isn't responding, she's showing signs of failure. If she doesn't. . ." he chose not to mention death. "there's a good chance that she will be comatose possibly forever."

can i lay by your side? next to you, you

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