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You just another stray cat amongst the crowd not having a destination in mind. For as long you can remember you have always been a stray. Not having a home to got to is very hard for any animal. For you people usually don't notice you that why you stay out of the streets with a big crowd afraid of getting stepped on. Your are very small and fragile to the human eye. As much you can hope you doubt anyone would notice you and be nice to you.

You wonder how many times you wished that in you sleep. Today is going to rain is what you heard from the humans. You don't understand why they was afraid of rain maybe it's the same reason for you. You knew you had to move some where safe from the rain. You ran some where not even have a clue to where you are going. As you were running you looked around your surroundings a bit to see where you are.

You slow down your pace soon you came to a complete stop. You didn't know where you were which made you a little anxious. Later you felt a drop on the top of your head which mad your anxiety become worse. You started back running trying to find some protection from the rain. You pace grew more quicker when you felt more and more water drops on the top of your head. While you were running you also tried to look around to see anything you can hid from, but the only thing you saw was rocks and muddy ground.

Your anxiety became desperation to find shelter, then you heard some running of footsteps. They were rather quick steps but also heavy. You knew it had to belong to a human or bigger animal either way since you were desperate you tried to call out to whoever the footsteps belong to. You didn't know if the "human" could hear you at all since it was pouring down raining you ven thought it was completely worthless. But soon you heard someone coming towards you. Since it was rain you could hardly make out the figure but you could see some of the person details. The person had on a black suit which make him look very proper and important. He also have black hair that is longer in the front then the back of his head. On his hands he have on white gloves on which made you a little suspicious about the man. The features on his face is quite lovely.

You called out to the man making sure he heard you over the sound of the rain. When your desperate cries of help reach him, he looked at you and smiled at you. He walked over to you and a face slap of realization hit him. He almost forgot what he was doing. You was very surprised to see how fast this human was. It seems like when he brought you inside he took you to his bedroom. He sat you down on his bed with both of you soaked he went into what it seems like his bathroom and brought out a towel.

He quickly dried you off as fast as he could and pet your head. You didn't know where he was going but he rushed out of his room very quickly. You curled up into his warm bed and drifted of to sleep, dreaming of all the times you are going to have with this man.

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