Chapter 7

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(Kim Taehyungs p.o.v)

I was roughly dragged off of bre with her blood running down my chin. I growled at the person holding me back.

"Let me go!" I growled 

"No!" i hear hoseok yell at me. So he was the one who's in the way between me and my meal. I got ready to attack him when someone else grabbed me as well. I only growled louder. 

"Get the fuck off me!" 

"Not until you calm down." jungkook tells me. I can still feel my fangs on my bottom lip as i lick the rest of the blood off of my face. I felt myself slowly calming down and i felt my fangs retract. 

Jungkook and Hoseok let go of me and watched me carefully in case that i tried to attack her again. I look over at her as Seokjin was taking care of her. She looked so pale. 

'Shit i must've drank more then i thought i did' 

I turned and looked back at jungkook and Hoseok and sighed 

"I didn't mean it. I hadn't fed for days and she was pissing me off." 

They looked at me "I think it's best that you stay away from her for a little while. She needs to recover and we don't need her seeing you and flipping her shit." 

I looked at the ground. "yeah you're probably right but how did you know that i bit her?" 

"we smelt her blood. It's not hard since they do have AB- blood" 

I nodded and left without saying another word. I walked downstairs and grabbed my coat and walked out the door. I needed to cool off. I hate it when this happens. I don't like the feeling of losing control that's not who i am. 

I ran into the woods and searched for food. I try to mainly drink animal blood but once she started to bleed i couldn't control myself anymore. I stopped once i saw a dear about 20 feet ahead of me. 

I feel my fangs come out as i get ready to attack the dear. I quickly run up to it and bit into it's neck. I felt the dear struggling but after a little it went limp. Once i was finished i stood up and wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my jacket. 

I couldn't help but frown. It didn't taste the same as her blood. It wasn't as sweet. I felt my eyes change back and my fangs retract. I didn't want to go back to the house just yet but i know i have too. 

Namjoon is going to be furious at me. We made a deal not to drink from them without their consent but i had to go and fuck it up. I sighed again and walked back towards the house. 

(Kim Seokjin's p.o.v) 

I had just finished talking to Hoseok about what to do about naomi since she seems like she's going to be a handful when i smelt blood. I look over to Hoseok and we both ran to where the smell was coming from. 

We ran into the room where Bre was only to see Taehyung on top of her, drinking from her. Hoseok immediately ran towards Taehyung and ripped him off of her. I ran over to Bre to make sure that she was okay and that she hadn't lost too much blood. 

'Jungkook get in here and help Hoseok with Taehyung' 

A few seconds later Jungkook arrived and was helping Hoseok calm down Taehyung. I checked her pulse and it was there but it was faint. I bit my wrist and drew a little blood and put it to her mouth causing her to swallow some of my blood. 

Her pulse became stronger and i heard Taehyung leave the room. Hoseok and Jungkook walked over to me 

"Is she okay?" 

I nodded "i gave her some of my blood since he did manage to drink more then i thought he would've" They nodded 

"He said that he hadn't fed in a few days" Jungkook adds 

I look back at her "She should be fine and should wake up in a little"  I turned around and faced them "Until then make sure Taehyung stays away from her"

They nodded in agreement "That's what we told him" 

i nod my head "good" then i sigh. 

'They haven't even been here a day and they've caused so many issues'

A/N: I am super tired

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