Elenas POV

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I walk down the street that Harry and Lou walked down while they were talking. Why would he just walk away leaving me stand there. Did I do something wrong? I cant even imagine how me and zayn looked against the wall. Maybe that's why he left.

I was walking with my head down the whole time until I ran into a hard chest very tall that he was towering over me. I look up and i see a handsome man right in front of me. But the smile he had on his face was not so appealing. I hadn't noticed they men standing behind him. They all looked like they were around my age,17 or 19.

"Oh well look who we have here." He says directing it to his mates.

"What is a pretty girl doing out here walking alone in a dark street like this" He says walking closer to me. and sneaks his arm around my waist bringing me closer to him.

"I'm sorry, but I really have to go" I say a little frightened

"Oh but I don't want you to go." He says pouting his lip out a little.

"I honestly wish I could stay but i really have to go" I say in a convincing and serious tone.

He seems to get the hint and his arm loosens around my waist but then he grips me harder. I knew that he was not going to let me go that easily but i had hoped.

"Elena!?" Someone calls from behind me I try to turn but his grip on me is so tight an his body is pressed against my so much I can only manage to move my neck and turn my head. When I turn around I see Zayn approaching us.

"Elena, What are you doing out here" He jogs up to me and .....This man who I don't know the name of.

"Isaac" He nods to him and Isaac lets go of my waist.

"Zyan" He nods

"Elena lets get back. Sorry Isaac but we really have to go" And before Isaac can protest Zayn took me away.

After a while We didn't talk. Then i broke the silence.

"Who was that?" I asked Zayn

"I'm not supposed to tell you. Harry says to just get you back safe"

"Why cant you tell me"

"Harry doesn't want you to know.....It can get you in danger and we all know that"

"Wait Harry knows him. How will it make me in danger?"

"I cant say anymore. I already said to much. Harry is almost here"

The whole walk back was quiet and kind of awkward. But all i could think about is how would it put me in danger. Why would it put me in danger?

We walk up to the side walk and I was about to walk into the house of swarming body's still dancing but then I felt a someone wrap there hand around my arm and I spun around and Harry hugs me tight and I start to cough.

I hug him not very tightly and then push him off. He backs away with a frown upon his lips and i look everywhere but his eyes.

"I should go" I tell him

"I can take you home" He says

"No, Its fine Ill just ask Lou or Zayn" I say still making any sort of eye contact

I walk away with out another word. Letting him stand there just like he left me standing there.


I get home and I plop on my pillow with out even changing my cloths. All i did was take it off and sleep in my panties and bra. Lou brought me home last night after I walked away leaving Harry stand like he left me. I just want this day to be over so much has happened all in one day. Just so much to take in

I fall asleep and I'm woken up with someone shaking my shoulder. I'm lying on my stomach

"Hmmmmmh" I hum out of annoyance. They don't say anything but just keep shaking me.

"The fuck do you fucking want Janel" I yell banging my fist on the pillow and lifting my head up and turning towards her.

To my surprise its not her its Harry

I turn on my back and sit up rubbing my eyes. I am now leaning against the head board. I see his eyes linger on my chest. I look down and I'm in a lace red bra, I grab my blanket and pull it up to my chest.

"What the hell are you doing here!" I ask him He then meets my eyes again.

"I needed to talk to you"

"We have nothing to talk about. How did you even get in?"

"Janel let me in. Can we just please talk about what happened last night"

"There's nothing to talk about. Whats done has been done Harry" I say calmly I mean what I'm saying is not a lie.

"So where do we stand" He asks and i can hear a bite of sadness in his voice

"There's just you.......................And me" I say taking a long pause.

"I know what has happened the past few days doesn't seem like the person you spent with at the cabin. Its because its not. Its only when I'm around you that I'm that person"

"I think you need to go" I say quietly

"Elena please let me explain"

"Harry. Just go" I say looking away from him

His hand comes up my cheek and he places his forehead on mine. He then places a soft kiss on my lips. He gets up and walk out the door.

I slept all day not knowing what to do or think. I stayed in bed not even getting up to eat. Tomorrow Janel and I have to go to class and I hope I don't have too see any of Harrys 'gang' nor him.

I wake up from Janel the next morning telling me get up so we can leave. I get up and change into skinny jeans and a half shirt with a tank top under it with some high tops. I let my hair go natural which is wavy and put on light markup. Jenal said I looked gorge before we left.

We walk out of our dorm and head to our classes. I managed to finish all my classes but I had harry sit behind me through most of my classes. I would rush out before he could catch me when the bell would ring. I went to my locker and got my books. The halls were cleared so i was alone thank god. I got my books and walked down the hall to get to my dorm.

Janel said that Lou was going to take her home so I didn't have to wait on her. But when I turned the corner I saw a mop of curls lip locking with a dark headed girl pinned against the wall. I was beyond pissed it hurt a little but I just looked down at the ground not looking at them. They both snap there heads up and look at me when they hear me walking down the hall of dorms that went mine. I kept looking down and made no eye contact with them and acted like I didn't care. I passed them without a care in the world.

I turned the corner and this was the hall of my dorm. I unlocked my door and walked into it not even caring to turn around and shut it. I just shut it with the back of my foot and walked to my room to set my stuff down. I walked into the living room and harry was standing right there in front of the door with his hands in his pockets.

"What are you doing here" I asked How did he even get in i didn't hear anything

"I came in after you when you didn't turn around to shut the door. I was behind you"

"Well i have to do homework so you should probably go" I say heading to the door to open it for him.

He steps in front of me "Elena its wasn't what it looked like" He says. "I don't care anymore Harry."I said to him. He looks at me and hurt is flashing in his eyes like a red sign."Elena, It didn't mean anything" "Harry I think that you should go. Its already done with" He was going to say something but there was a knock at the door and i opened it.

 I couldn't believe my eyes. This was the day. The day I would shut all my emotions off. This man who was standing in front of me I had so much hate towards. Tears started to brim to my eyes.

"Who are you" Harry asks him. My jaw is practically on the floor and I'm staring at the person in the door way. He doesn't take his eyes off of me and he has a devilish smile on his lips as his eyes bores into my soul.

"I'm her Step-father"

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