Chapter 13

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The familiar voice struck me, and my head automatically turned towards the familiar face of Jack, resting up against the rocks. His smile was broad upon his face. Like it could light up the world of anyone he spoke to.

But today, I needed more than a friendly face to cheer me up.

"What's wrong?" He asked, inching closer to me.

I shook my head, forcing a smile to my face. "Nothing. I'm...I'm fine."

His head tilted to the side, as he continued to prod. "No, there's something defiantly wrong. You don't look too good. Did something happen?"

I couldn't help but let a real smile appear on my face. A complete stranger, offering to listen to my problems like they were his own. It made me feel special since I didn't know anything about this guy except for his first name, and his place of origin.

I took in a deep breath, exhaling before I spoke. "I'm just, having some troubles with a friend...that's all."

"Oh no," he sympathised, resting his arms on the rocks as his face fell into a deep frown. "Friend troubles are never good. What did they do?"

I shook my head. "It's...It's not what they did, it's what their siblings did. It's's like they wanna push me away from them..."

I stood to my feet, wiping a hand over my face as I recalled the moments that happened only minutes ago.

"Like, for once, I want to spend some time with them without having a 'little sister' barging in on our fun. Is that too much to ask?"

Before Jack could answer, I continued to rant.

"And above all else, what is her problem with me anyway? Like, I know I'm not perfect. I can't exceed the level that Jessica is at, with her damn fancy clothes, and expensive jewellery, and-and..."

"Whoa, whoa, slow down there, Lass," Jack spoke up, growing worried. "You need to calm down before you hurt yourself."

But I didn't calm down. I couldn't. I was so mad, at Jessica, at my father, at a whole bunch of things, I just wanted to scream.

"And, furthermore," I continued on, walking up to the edge of the shore and gesturing my hands towards the ocean. "The one person who I could tell anything and everything to is gone, and he decides to spend his last waking moments out in the ocean. The ocean! He loved that more than he loved me!"

"Lass, I don't think-"

"But he did!" I cried, feeling my eyes well up with tears, as the waves of the ocean began to crash against the rocks. "His final moments where out there-" I pointed out to sea. "-out with the fish and the sharks and everything that should have scared him more than his cancer, but it didn't!"

As the waves crashed against the rocks again, the water splashed on my feet. But I didn't care. I didn't care at all.

"I just want to know why," I said, letting a tear stroll down my cheek. "I want to know why he was out there when he should have been home, with his family, with his daughter..."

Again, the waves sprayed my legs and feet with the salty water of the ocean. I could feel Jack's stare up at me, much like the rays of the sun shining down on my skin.

"Liz, please, back away from the edge," he spoke calmly. "I don't want you to fall in."

I broke my gaze away from the ocean, looking down at him and his worried face up at me.

What was I doing? Passing off my problems to a complete stranger, that's what. Mum would be so ashamed to know I had been speaking to people I barely knew, let alone giving them then rundown on how much my life sucks at the moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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