Chapter 6

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As Aaron and I walked away from the scene of the party, the gentle waves of the ocean began to outweigh the music. He led me right towards the Lorenxo jetty, where Mr Lorenxo's yacht rested peacefully in the water, gently rocking with the waves.
It was a beautiful night for a stroll. I looked towards the night sky, spotting the half moon shining above, and reflecting in the water below. A few clouds crowded around it, but that didn't dull its sparkle. It still looked beautiful.
As Aaron and I approached the jetty, he sighed in content.
"So, are you enjoying the party?"
I was so, incredibly nervous. I felt like the next sound from my mouth would a be a scream.
I swallowed hard, thinking over for words to say back before he would get weirded out from my silence.
"Uh, yeah-yeah," I assured, looking away from him. "I'm loving it. Tracey really went all out for a get-together."
"I'll say," Aaron spoke back. "Justin hasn't stopped talking about it for weeks."
We slowly walked onto the jetty, as the waves collided against the barriers underneath us and sounded that satisfying swoosh sound that I loved so much.
"Got any ideas for the Dance Fling at the end of the month?" He asked.
I didn't understand the question. He could literally mean anything, from my dress, to my hair, to how I was planning to get there.
"Uh, what do you mean?" I asked sweetly, trying to sound interested.
"Well, do you have a plan?" He chuckled. Gosh, he has the cutest laugh. "Like, how you're gonna get there, how you're gonna dress..."
"Oh, right," I blushed, tucking another strand of hair behind my ear. "Well, Rach and I were planning to get her mum to drive us there. I heard there's going to be an after-party after the dance, but I don't know where yet, but we'll definitely be going. As for what we're dressing in, I still haven't gotten around to shopping for an outfit..."
"So, you're just going with Rachel?" He asked, looking down at me.
"Yeah," I answered casually.
"So, you don't have a date?"
"Well, no..."
For one second, he was quiet, before he asked, "Would you like one?"
I stopped walking, and for the first time since I walked off from my little group of friends, I faced the guy standing beside me. His smooth, shaven face, with his tanned, muscular body, and his gorgeous dark brown surfer locks. Not to mention, he had the prettiest green eyes I've ever seen, I could get lost in them.
And here he was, asking me to the dance.
I was beyond starstuck. Words choked up in my throat as the question ran through my mind. I was so unbelievably in awe that I didn't even think to answer.
"Uh, Lisa," he said, smirking. "I kind of need an answer."
I snapped back to reality. "Oh, right! Yes! Yes, of course!"
"Yeah?" He smiled, showing off his perfect teeth.
"Yeah," I smiled back, as my heart pounded against my chest. I'm sure Aaron could hear it too.
He reached for my hand, making it look small against his own. He held it in between his own, and stared deep into my eyes, while his glittered with the light of the moon. I was stuck in a trance with his perfect gaze locked onto mine. His face grew closer, as his eyes began to close slowly.
This is it! I thought. This is the moment I've been waiting years for!
I closed my own eyes, ready to feel Aaron's lips against my own. Ready for the perfect kiss that I knew would set off fireworks in my brain.
The most annoying, and most irritating voice came from behind Aaron. I opened my eyes in time to see him muttering curse words to himself before turning around.
Jessica Jules, Aaron's little sister, was standing only a few feet away from us, with one hand on her hip, and the other holding a phone in her overly ringed hand. She wore a mixture of annoyed and raged on her face, like she was not happy to see her brother kissing me.
Without another word, she said, "Mum's on the phone. She wants to know when we're coming home."
Aaron sighed heavily, before turning back to look at me and saying, "I'm sorry. We'll talk about this another time."
He then let go of my hand, instantly making it feel cold, and walked right up to his sister, where he snatched the phone from her hand and walked off the jetty with it to his ear.
Jessica stood there, staring at me with cold eyes and an unimpressed look. You could tell she didn't like me. She didn't like any girl who was after her brother though. So, technically, I was just another fly caught up in her web of insecurity.
But, that didn't mean I had to be mean to her. After all, she could potentially be my future sister-in-law, even if the thought made me cringe.
So, when the constant staring became a little too much for my comfort, I cleared my throat and spoke out, "Well, I better be getting back to the party myself."
As I was about to walk off, she snapped, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
The question startled me for a second, and I didn't have answer.
So when I didn't talk, she sighed heavily, whipping her bleached locks out of her face as she stared at me dead-on.
"What on earth gives you the right to kiss my brother?" She asked. "Where in the world did you get the idea that he even likes you?"
Is she really asking me this question? That bleach must be seeping into her brain.
"Okay, first of all, he was kissing me," I stated. "And secondly, he wouldn't be doing so if he didn't like me..."
"Oh, and you're a backtalker," she pointed out, walking slowly towards me. "Did I give an impression that I wanted an answer to a rhetorical question?"
The girl may be bleached, but in her own messed up mind, she was technically right.
As she grew closer, she continued talking.
"Listen, Lisa, I've heard about the rumours going around," she informed me. "I've heard from a variety of people that Aaron may or may not take you to the dance. I've also heard that Ke$ha is releasing an album soon. See how fast rumours travel? See where I'm going with this?"
I shook my head slowly. I didn't know what she was talking about.
She sighed again, as she stopped right in front of me, letting her lilac perfume fill my nostrils.
"Alright, well, I'm going to make this simple for you," she said, before getting right up in my face. "Stay. Away. From. My. Brother. Or there will be consequences to pay..."
As she backed up, I looked at her with a questioning gaze. I know I shouldn't mess with her, but she was starting to get on my nerves.
"What makes you think I would listen to you?" I asked. "In case you haven't heard, which you haven't, because it just happened, Aaron has already asked me to the dance."
"Excuse me?" She questioned through her teeth, rage radiating in her voice.
"I said," I spoke, leaning in closer to her. "I'm going to the dance with Aaron. Tough shit."
As I backed up, Jess screwed up her face like a three year old about to throw a tantrum. I stood up straight, feeling pretty proud of standing up to her. Not may girls can say they've tried.
Until she reached for my throat with both of her hands, wrapping them both around my neck and squeezing with all of her strength. The sudden shock of the attack caused me to fall backwards, letting her fall on top of me, as she continued to try and cut off all the oxygen I wanted to breathe in.
An evil look filled her eyes, as she squeezed harder, and my body thrashed around trying to knock her off me. Even when she was younger, the girl knew how to choke. It would definitely come in handy if I was into that sort of thing.
But right now, she was trying to kill me. Someone I was very not into.
"JESS!" Came the terrified shrill of my best friend's voice. "Get the hell off her!"
Rachel ran up to us, rescuing me from the deranged lunatic, as she pulled her off me with her own bare hands, and my neck was released from her grip.
Jess continued to try and fight against Rachel, but Rachel already had her arms behind her back before she could throw the first hit.
Tracey and Jackie came bounding up to us, as they spotted me on the floor of the jetty, and came over to either side of me to help me up.
"What is your problem?" Tracey yelled at Jess. "Trying to choke her? Are you insane?"
As I stood to my feet, I breathed in and out, feeling grateful to breathe again.
"She got mad," I breathe out. "She got mad because Aaron asked me out to the dance."
Excited gushes came from both Rachel and Tracey, while Jackie just looked at Jess with a quizzed expression.
"Really? That's a little extreme, don't you think?"
Jess rolled her eyes, and Tracey grabbed my arm, leading me away from the drama that had unfolded. Rachel released Jess, pushing the girl forward,away from me, as I walked off with Tracey and Jackie by my side.
As Rachel caught up to us, she flung her arms around me and whispered in my ear, "I am so proud of you!"
I blushed, feeling the instant love from my best friend.
"Hey Lisa," I could hear Jess' mocking voice in the background. "Forget something?"
I turned around, expecting her to have a lock of my hair, or a piece of fabric from my dress.
But instead, she held a familiar blue seashell necklace, and dangled it above the water below.
I reached up, feeling around my throat and collarbone for my father's gift, but I came up empty handed. Panic set in, and the whole world flashed before my eyes as Jess opened her hand and let the seashell plop into the dark water below.

A/N: OHH! What a bitch, right? Nobody deserves that, not even the worlds meanest person deserves that (well, maybe we should just take Jess' jewellery and dump it in the water. See how she likes it!)

Anyway, I'm so so sorry for not updating soon. I have been swamped with homework (screw private schooling) and I just haven't had time to get to the stories! But, I wanna say thank you so much to everyone that's voting and commenting. It gives me major motivation to continue on, and I plan to do so!

Also, I'm nearly at 200 reads! That's incredible! I feel so honoured :D

Once again, thank you to everyone who's reading, and I hope to see you all in the next update! (JACK'S CHAPTER, YAY!) Until then, let me know what you think, and I will post a new chapter when I can. Thanks, and bye! xxx

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