High School Love

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It was a cold rainy morning, I could feel the cold wet drops of rain dripping down from my hoodie to my face. I was on my way to school, I was running a bit late I didn't really care.

I finally approached the school gate, as I walk into the gate I could see people in the classroom windows and they were waving at me. I give a quick smile to them and then I continue walking to my classroom.

I could hear footsteps behind me so I turn my head and then suddenly I see a unfamiliar face behind me.

"Hi my names Lochie, I'm new here! I was just wondering if you knew where classroom B4 is?"said the unfamiliar face.

"It's Down the B corridor and it's the 4th room on the left!" I responded.

"Thank you.."

"Melony, my names Melony by the way" I replied back.

"We'll thank you Melony, nice to meet you by the way!" Said Lochie, We then walked different directions.

As I was walking i could picture his smile in my head. I thought he was really attractive! He had browny blonde wavy hair, luscious green eyes, olive screen and a good body! He was to die for.

I finally reached my classroom and I opened the door and walked inside, all of the boys (including my teacher) were staring at me like vultures waiting to pounce on there prey. I ignore the stares and sit down in my chair. I start doing my work straight away but still ignoring all of the boys staring

at me because I'm use to it, it happens everyday uihbut not for bad reasons. It's actually because they all think I'm some kind of beautiful sex goddess! Even though I'm a virgin/fridget.

30 minutes in to my class, we hear the fire alarm going off. All of a sudden an announcement comes on the speakers, it's the school principal warning us that its not a drill and to evacuate immediately. All of the students/teachers sprint out the classroom door and bolt down the corridors, I'm the last to leave the classroom.

As I'm running down the corridor I can see flames all around me. I was about 10 metres from the exit when suddenly a locker falls on me, trapping my legs,arms and most of my body. I'm in pain from my shoulders to my feet! My ankle is sprained and I can't get my arms free to try and lift up the locker. I start to panic and scream for help and then... Out of nowhere, I see the locker lifted off my body by the hot newbie Lochie.

"Are you okay?" Said Lochie in a concerned voice. I replied no and told him that my ankle was sprained and I couldn't walk. He then picked me up and started running to the exit.

"I'll get you out of here, just trust me!" Said Lochie. I stare at his face while he runs to the exit, when we reach the exit he opens the door gently and then sprints out to where the the rest of the school is assembled.

He sits me down on the grass and then he quickly checks to see if my ankle was okay, he then calls over the schools first aid and tells him the situation. The first aid man gives Lochie an ice pack to put on my foot and tells him what to do, then he runs off to an another group of people. Lochie puts the ice pack onto my ankle and holds it down.

"Are you okay?" Said Lochie.

"I am now, thank you for saving my life. If it wasn't for you I would of died! Thank you lochie." I replied back.

I then lean towards his face and then gently kiss him on the cheek as a token of my gratitude. I then back away from his face, he then starts to blush and smile.

"It wasn't bad for a first date."said Lochie in a sarcastic voice. I started laughing and continued smiling at him. From there, I knew he was the one.

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