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The boy panted as he bent over while holding the wall to catch his breathe ,as much as he hate school,he has to stay and learn for his little sister and himself without their parent here,speak of his little sister,he just drop his little sister at school after their 'pancake day' and ran all the way to his school without stopping. After he took his breath he stand up quickly and fixes himself,while he was doing it some two girls walk past him,staring at him as they whisper to each other and giggles as they nodded then smirk walking off to their class quickly, The boy check the time on his phone,he smiles and sigh in relief to see that he just got in time


The bell rang to let the school know it was time to go to class,people groan as they walk to their class,while chatting quietly as they took a glance at the mute boy and turn their head away
The boy blink in confused at why they were acting weird but shrug it off as he quietly walk through the crowd,what he didn't know that people was starting to take their phone out,pointing the camera towards him with evil grin on their face

The boy felt his heart beat in excited as he smiles ready to meet his girlfriend,yes you heard me,I got a girlfriend,I know,I was shock as well...after all..she is popular in this school and me....im  just a mute boy and ..eh we been together almost a year,surprising I  have to say
but..she is something.. amazing,kind and beautiful,those ginger  wavy hair, huge green eyes sparkle when she see me, how she would always hug me.....the way she laugh...is like an angel...but...it sad...how she can't hear my voice.... the boy sigh at the thought but smiles huge
at least he open the door she love me! and i love he- until everything went slow motion ,he saw people in the class even his 'girlfriend',they were pointing their phone toward  at him,he didn't knew what was going on until..





the sounds of the bucket falling along with a liquid in it,the sound of the liquid hitting the ground along wit the bucket,the sounds of the liquid of paint falling off the boy body to the floor

the boy slowly lift his hands up and wipe the paint from his eyes as he blink and stares at his red hands,as he look up people were...
Recording at him
laughing at him

pointing at him

talking about him
whispering about him..
staring at him down at him with those judgement eyes
He then heard a very familiar giggle that belong to no other than his...
girlfriend...what is going on here? why is she laughing with them?..did she?...n-no...she wouldn't...r-right?...

"ahh....hello dear!" she  walk up to him  who was on his knee staring up at her with confused eyes,she giggle and stop in front of him,smiling or should i say...fake smile?
"you must be wondering what is going on?" she purr "you see....i wasn't really your "girlfriend "you know.... all that time with you.. it was all fake...i never love you..non..like you...beside that! I got a real boyfriend...." she giggle and look to the side as a male wrap his arm around her shoulder,smirking at the boy in front of them who is staring back with his eyes widen with tear rolling down his red check,feeling...heartbroken

'why?' is all he wanted to ask her 'what...is this?'
"it was a dare!~ but you know..at first...i didn't want to do it....but then my lovely friend and class...they push me to do it and guess what? it was fun being your fake girlfriend~ but it a shame we have to end it that way..after all...why would I go out with a weak boy? who is...a mute boy?" she stare at him with her cold eyes as people start to laugh along with her while the mute boy could do nothing but stare at them all and listen to their judge echos around him

he move his hands to both ears as he cover them and bite his lips

'shut up!'

"look at him class!~ he's shaking!"

'I said shut up!'

"agh so weak! i wish he could just be strong and talk back at us like a big bad guy!"

'shut up! shut up!'

"is he crying? what a crybaby!"

'Im gonna kill you all! kill you all!' he shake his head no

"aw..look! he's shaking h-"


"What is going on here?!"

all the students gasp and went to their seat quickly except one student who was still on the floor
the teachers gasp "oh my! Jaycce!"  she quickly ran to his side and help him up, she walk jaycee out the room "oh dear....let take you to the nurse,she might have a shower you could use and also some spare clothes you could have.." she mumble and help him walk to the nurse room


The sound of the knocking echos in the hallways, as they waited until some rattle could be heard also a 'hang on!' voice called out and the sound of the door opening "hello may I he- oh dear! what happen?! never mind that! come in! come in!" a nurse lady step aside to let the two in and closes the door after they got in 

"could he borrow the shower here and some spare clothes he could keep?.." a worry teacher ask the nurse who nodded "yes i do!" she smiles kindly and quickly scramble to the boxes as she dig through it looking for a right size for him "ah hah!" she cried out in happy that she found the size for him "here my dear! now shoo! go have a shower! and I will let you stay here afterwards!" she smiles at the silent boy who hasn't look up but nodded an a thank you and grab the uniform then stomp to the bathroom,slam the door shut and lock

the two females sigh in exhausted 

"...he's having a bad day isn't he?...." the nurse look at the door sadly

"....yeah....but...one thing is that...he was getting bullied and yet he didn't knew.."

"and you didn't stop them?" the nurse gasp "why?"

"w-we didn't think it was gonna be that ...bad"

"of course it was gonna get  that bad!" the nurse wave her arms "the more they bully him! the more it get worst!" she shouted at her angrily

the teachers sigh "i know...and I felt terrible.."

"you should be!" the nurse huff in angry "if I were you guys I wo-"

the teacher gasp interrupting the nurse as she stare eyes widen at the watch on her wrist "ah! im sorry i got class to do! please take good care of him!" she wave and ran out of the room leaving the nurse fussing to herself "how rude of her!" she crosses her arm "whatever..." she then felt a tug on her t-shirt "huh?..." she turn around to be meet with emotionless brown eyes "a-ah! Jaycce! feeling much better?" she nervously ask him,he stares at her and nodded as he walk to the door "eh?! wait! aren't you go-


the sounds of the door slam echos and the sounds of the footstep walking away from the door to  his class, Jaycce looks down,He furrow his eyebrow as he thought of what happen today 

'....she's right...' he stop and look up at the ceiling 'who wouldn't want to be with me?...I'm weak....not good looking....not popular....after all...I'm..'

he closes his eyes enjoying the silent around him 

"Mute boy.."

The Boy who isn't really muteWhere stories live. Discover now