The Woods

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He wasn't sure his eyes were telling him the truth. This youngling snuggled in his shadow, looked so much like him but just as different. Must have been a genetic trait. He didn't know the right direction to take. But the first step had to be forward.
    He looked between the paths that lay before him. Both seemed almost exactly the same, but appearances can be deceiving. He had to choose, and fast. These lands were dangerous for their kind, and if they didn't keep moving, they'd be caught. Studying the paths, he chose the one less trod upon. Knowing that calamity and highwaymen may be ahead, it still seemed the better option. So he started off, knowing the youngling would follow.
    As he walked along, the youngling close beside him, he found that the path he walked along seemed to be getting darker with each passing minute. Night was coming.
    He had no idea of the possibilities or capabilities this wonderful young dragon in his charge. Wobbling about beside him, but he suspected that would outstrip his capacities. If this should happen, he knew that he would only be able to teach her as much as he knew, and that after he had, she would have to figure it out the rest. He'd be there to help her, of course, give her advice. But he knew, as a matter of course, that he'd rather be cheering her on than opposing her. He already knew that this young dragon could dismantle him in mere moments. So the only thing to do was go forward. Into the woods.
    His treason of thought came to a screeching halt. A  sound had erupted from the underbrush, and he studied it warily. He sniffed about, "what was this new curiosity?" It wasn't a dragon, that was for sure. But, it also wasn't an enemy. Cautiously he let the young dragon investigate, while keeping his eye on the proceedings.
    She sniffed around the fury little thing curiously, not sure what to make of it either. The funny sounds the Bush was making were foreign and curious. "I think humans call this a, dohg?"  That seemed about right, the fur, the sounds, it all added up. This was a dohg.
    As they continued down the trail, the young dohg followed along. "I suppose they'll need a name," he thought, "this could take awhile." Many possibilities came forth in his mind, but none seemed quite right. It seemed that indecisiveness was a genetic trait as well. And it didn't help that it's gender was still a mystery. "Perhaps 'Shrub' would be a nice name?" He thought, "that is, after all, where it came from." But that didn't seem right either. Luckily, the big dragon had a few tricks up his sleeve. He decided to consult the youngling for ideas as to what they should call the dohg. The young dragon sat upon this query fit some time, also not sure. Indecisiveness was definitely a genetic trait. Then, she had it, Mufu. That could be it's name. She voiced this to the bigger of them. "As you wish, young one," the big dragon said. "He can trail along with us."
    And, with the dohg's name decided, they moved along. Mufu followed, yapping happily and sniffing random trees, rocks and any other object it could reach.

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