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-Die Die Die i will not lose i will win... Ugh... what no... as my HP dropped to 0. How could this happen... goodbye...Crash...and that is the end of my story. But first lets start from the beginning of this world-

LINK START!  There I was at the end of the beta test. Today the beta test of Sword Art Online was over. I mean the beta test was fun but it's finished and out to the world. It's time. I ran threw the ally of the town of beginnings then... Ow what... and... there he was, the guy who sparked my life forever.

Kirito is that you man you look as good as ever how has it been.

Oh hey Hero, would you look at that we found each other all ready in this new world the beta test is finally over insent it.

Ya.Wait where are you off to in such a hurry.

Well I was going to go get some levels, from the hogs outside the town.

Can I come, we can finally finish are combo move, because we are out of the beta test.

Sure come on Hero. We have a very good technique don't we.

We sure do old friend.Hey do u remember what floor we got to Kirito.

Ya it was like floor 10, right Hero.

I dont remember but it probably was hey Kirito do you think anyone of the, 10,000 people will become are best friends, or worst enemies.

Ya of corse why wouldent they, I mean there are so many people so, why wouldent they.

-About 1 hours later-

Ya we did it Kirito we made it to level 10, we are so strong now.

Ya, I guess, but we can get so much stronger don't you think.

Haha, ya I guess but, I have to go my mom is makeing dinner, and I can't be late so see you tomorrow Kirito.

Bye Hero.

What where is it?(Hero whisperd)

What Hero.

The logout button, is gone.

Wow it really is, I wonder what happened to it.

Oh I know it has to be a bug, because it is the first day out of beta, there has to be a couple of bugs, also the Game Master won't pick up so....

Then woosh both of us dissapered, into sparkels and dust.

Huh, Hero who did a controled teleport.

Then a WARNING symbol appeared in the sky, then thousands of other blocks surrounded everyone, creating a forcefield so no one could escape, the town of beginnings.Then suddenly a blood like substense driped down, from the blocks and created the Game Master.
              (Then the GM spoke)
Welcome Players to my world.Sword Art Online, you may have noticed a thing missing from your settings menu.The log out button.I tell you this is not a bug or a defect, this is how Sword Art Online was desined to be, you can no longer leave this game the only way to escape is to beat all 100 floors.

What Kirito isent that impossible.

Ya it almost is.

Wait what if i take off this nerve gear.

You can't once you are in a game, you cannot interact with your real-world body.

What no!Well I guess its not to bad right, people from the real world will help us right.

                (The G.M spoke again)
Also if any one from the real world try to interact with the nerve gear, in the real world the nerve gear will send a transmitting signal to your brain, and fry it. Because of that 240 less players have already died, from the outside world. Also I have placed a item in everyone's inventory so check it out.

What the heck its a freakin mirror.

Calm down Hero.

I took out the item it formed with some special forming cryestels.

Then woosh woosh woosh one after another people started to glow.Then me.

What the what happened Kirito.

Ya, what did happen wait who are you.

Its me Kirito who are you.

Wait is that you Kirito.

No, is that you Hero.

What happened Kirito.

The mirrior made us look like what we look like from the real world!


         (The G.M spoke again)
Now all of u are probably asking, why did Kayaba Akihiko developer of Sword Art Online and nerve gear do this.It was so I could control the world, and the fate of humanity of thousands of players across the world.Now go and clear all 100 floors but before you go remember this, you have 1 life and if your HP reaches 0 the nerve gear will simultaneously destroy your brain.So remember don't die players.

Then the game master disappeared, and the forcefield was gone.

That bastered, why why would he do this.Kirito are you ok.

Then Kirito stormed off into an ally, and dissapered.

Hero come on the town of beginnings loot and points will be cleared out soon, so we should get to the next town to get loot and points so we should get moveing.

Ya, we should Kirito let's get a head start.

Right lets go Hero.

We ran threw the fields as fast as possible then a wolf spawned in front of us, Kirito charges it at slices 1 side so i sliced the other side the wolf then fades away into a crystely smoke.

We are a team, and we will survive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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