The Morning Walk

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The gust caressed my hairs
I looked up in the blue
rising sun projecting a spectrum
Enough colors to form you

Descending into my eyes
That close to trap you inside
The delight to have the captive
Gave way for a smile to slide

Eyes open but sight gone
Light illuminates but no response
Nothing but your memories flash
As if busy partying are my neurons

Stupefied , all the pain slumber,
Worries go lost ,
Either everything is in chaos
Or is partially frost

Euphoria of the phenomenon
Kindle an addiction
Heart says more and more
Brain loses jurisdiction

Your addiction gives me wings
Why to walk then , run begin
The cool breeze feels so nice
Even more refreshing is exercise

Stopping to catch the breath
Wetting T-shirt in aftermath
For all that was so nice
Sweat pays it's price

Who say addiction is bad
Yea it can drive you mad
But instead of being destruct
Channel the energy to only construct

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