Some day in horizon , in dark night
No Moon but in star-light
Came a flower with closed eyes
Planted by someone in disguiseHours passed, came the light
Coloring the black and white
Bringing everything to life
Beginning a tale not so rifeRising sun shone the light
Its crest appeared to eyesight
The bud came to be sunflower
The loyal sun followersUnfolding his eyes he found
He was taller than anybody around
His comrades actually on his west
Away from eye couldn't manifestThe little grass grew slow
The competition felt very low
Like the Moon in stars
He felt like king of flowersIn the noon things got a change
The angle brought others in range
Shattered the mirror of delusion
Time and space create illusions.Liars are those who say you alone can bring a change .
Crimson Horizon
PuisiIn spite of living in a world so absolute, having senses ever so high defined, possessing intelligence like no other species we often find ourselves drifting away from this world into a daydream. The whimsies of my Dreamland located beyond the crims...