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Kate couldn't wait for Henry to prepare the carriage, papa needed her and now. Running through the castle tying her ribbon back up she grabs her winter cloak and throws it around herself, reaching the stables she selects one of the horses that were already bridled the name plaque said 'cherry blossom' Kate was thankful her dress had plenty of material to fit either side of the horse when she sat on the saddle so nothing was on show.

Nudging the horse they galloped out of the stables and toward the iron gates, Ben was already there unlocking them. Giving her head a nod of thanks they rush past and head straight for the village. Something catches Kate's eye something at the side of her she turns briefly to see what it was and her eyes grow wide- Ben!

"H-how are you keeping up with us?!" She cries out unable to take her eyes from him he doesn't even look out of breath

"There's a great many things you don't know miss Kate" his eyes focused on the pathway ahead she manages to peel her attention back to where she was going reaching the village and her small cottage in no time at all.

There seemed to many gathered outside her house and she feared the worst, of course they all turned towards them as a steady stream of whispers could be heard spreading like wildfire among the other villagers. Bens intense stare hushed up many of them, he wasn't as large or as intimidating as Theo but wasn't afraid of anything and his demeanour showed it.

Entering the cottage Kate could see a faint trail of blood leading from the back door up the stairs, tears begin to fill her eyes and she bolts upstairs calling out for her papa.

Pushing open the door she rushes to her fathers bedside, tears staining her cheeks when her eyes fall upon her father laying there. Slowly he opens his eyes and gazes softly on his daughters face

"Kate" his voice croaky but loud enough for her to hear all the same, she looks up to see the loving eyes and smile of her papa breathing a sigh of relief he was at least alive. Her attention now going to the doctor stood at the bottom of the bed, he just finished dressing her fathers leg blood stained the sheets beneath him.

"Caught my leg with the axe........ gu kana furu i otoko"

"Don't talk that way papa. How bad is it doctor?" Hushing her fathers harsh words

"He'll need plenty of rest, he's lucky it's just a flesh wound. Naiyori sawa kuno ki zai no batsu cai understand?" Packing up his tools in the bag laying on the bed along with the left over bandages he looks up at them both to see the patient nod his head in agreement.

Leaving the room he stops at the doorway as Ben holds on to his arm, Kate already turned her attention back to her father wiping her face not seeing Ben whisper something in the doctors ear, or the doctors nodding response before leaving the house. Ben looks back to the scene of Kate on her knees by her fathers side and decides to close the door and heads downstairs.

For the next week Kate doesn't leave her fathers side, the stubborn man that he was insisted on getting to his feet on the 5th day much like his daughter it drove him crazy staring at four walls when there was so much to be done.

Ben had stayed and finished cutting up the wood outside while Kate stayed in the house, she changed the bedding and mopped the floor bringing her father some food and water Kate hands him some of the medicine the doctor had left. Take two after food he stated, so once he'd eaten all he could she made sure he had the two that were required and plumped his pillows so they were more comfortable for him to have a rest.

By the time that was all finished Ben had gone and she felt bad not giving him a proper thanks. But felt even worse things were left between her and Theo the way they were. Theo, that man had her heart racing at just the mention of his name the thought of his deep gazing eyes upon her the memory of his kisses his lingering touches on her body sent lightning through her veins.

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