The Stand Off

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Theo growls at the sight of his Kate in pain at the hands of that dickhead, he wants to break his goddamn neck but that would be too easy. He wants to watch him suffer, slowly. He knows he has back up at hand with his trusty friend and right hand man Ben, but he wants to inflict the pain himself, he wants to unleash the beast within and allow him to tear the soft flesh from his bones while he begs for forgiveness.

Ben as always was right there hiding in the shadows, he knew master would be more than able to handle himself but he was more there to get Kate out of harms way before the beast completely took over. Theo slowly stepped out of the shadows and it didn't take long to get Jason's attention and he almost snarled in response. Kate knew that look all too well, and although she knew of Theo's strength she also knew of Jason's temper and sadistic nature and instant fear for her love came into her heart.

"Who the fuck are you?" Jason snarled, his grip slightly tightening around her neck causing Kate to wince slightly, stopping Theo in his tracks as his eyes dart toward her neck

"I own these woods, and you have no right to treat a woman like that. Release her NOW or things will get messy" his eyes grow dark with hatred, his other senses picking up that Ben is edging closer to them yet his eyes stay focused on the scene in front of him so as not to alert Jason someone else was there.

"This is my wife and I'll treat her as I see fit, she bears my child and I'm taking her with me" his hand releases her throat and moves to her belly, she actually wants to throw up with every movement he makes near her. A lump in her throat forms and her eyes grow wide at the look on Theo's face right now

He looks deathly pale as his eyes flicker to hers for answers to the apparent deception on her part, briefly down to where Jason held his hand over her belly and without a second passing by, his glare is straight back to Jason's evil face. Ben heard all of this from his hiding place and too was shocked at being kept in the dark about all of this, yet he knew his master better than anyone and the look on his face told him the plan would carry on regardless

"Your fucking scum and don't deserve to exist on this planet, yet alone have someone like Kate in your life" his fists balling at his side his knuckles turning white with rage and an almost animalistic growl emanating from deep within his chest at the hatred of his words

An evil chuckle came from Jason "so you do know my wife, well isn't this a turn up for the books?" Kate desperately tried to wiggle free from his grasp but to avail, Jason's grip held fast as Theo took another step forward. In the struggle Kate catches a glimpse of something in the not so far away bushes, something deep inside her knew it was help and knew it was vital to keep Jason distracted.
She twisted in his arms making him take an awkward stance slightly facing the wrong way, he grabs her hair tight and hard forcing her to stop and also Theo from his advance, her cry of pain was the last straw for Theo and the beast within, the deep growl started from deep down within his chest the beast was mad and there was no controlling him this time it was taking over. Theo doubled over as his other form was desperately trying to free itself, the growling getting louder and louder but the second.
Kate and Jason stood awestruck like a deer in headlights as they helplessly watched Theo's whole body twist and change shape, his legs and arms grew and grew in size as it ripped through the clothing, cracking came along with it as the bones crunched and moved to adjust to the new size and shape they was taking on, his fingers growing in length and merging to make three chunky digits with deathly nails on each, his legs grew to an enormous size each of them being the size of the former human he represented but a few moments ago, his entire skin changing a deathly pale green colour and growing masses of fur all over, his stature grew to an enormous size reaching at least 18 feet

The shock and horror of the event taking place before them Jason loosened his grip on Kate, Ben taking this opportunity to pull her to safety quickly got her a few yards away
"quickly this way, this is no place for you to be or sight for you to see" but Kate came to a sudden holt wanting to watch the rest of the show going on behind. Turning around with Ben still by her side she soon recognised the familiar beasts appearance taking shape to be the very same that had saved her from Jason before months ago
The huge muscled arms and chest took form just before the final piece of the puzzle forming with the last crunching bones coming from the head as huge tusk like teeth forming at the bottom of his jaw snarling and cracking it's neck into place as finally he was set free, he spun his attention to Jason and Kate swore she almost saw him shit himself as he stumbled backwards with fear, stuttering over his words of begging for his life

"P..p..please....I..I......" the beast took one lunge toward him knocking him straight to the floor, punching and biting until all the screams of pain suddenly stopped, the beast slowly stood with his back to Kate and Ben, his chest heaving from the thrill of the kill. Kate knew within her heart this beast who had so vividly protected her twice now, who was formerly Theo whom she had fallen in love with would not hurt her. She slowly released herself from Ben's protective arms and took some timid steps toward the drama in front of her, twigs snapping under her feet after just a few feet the beast spun around stopping her in her tracks
She took a deep breath and continued in her advancement toward him, the beast didn't move an inch for fear of scaring her away. Upon finally reaching him she not once broke eye contact with him before reaching out her hand toward his arm, the beast slowly watched her hand coming toward him yet still did not move, his breathing becomes more even and his eyes grow soft at her tenderness toward him. Her hand touches his arm while she offers a small smile to him

"You saved me" she begins in attempt to comfort the beast in front of her that he did a good thing and that she remembers what he had done for her before.
The beast shakes his head causing her to become very confused, while taking a knee in front of her his dark eyes look deep in to hers, her breath hitching a little, what was happening?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2019 ⏰

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