Chapter Three

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"So are you sure that I'm not supposed to get one before going?" Sophia asked her father for the thirteenth time that day.

"Sophia, how many times do I need to tell you? You don't need to buy one." Percival said, exasperated.

"But how do you know?"

"They sent us the list of things that we needed to buy for you with your acceptance letter. I've showed it to you before, haven't I?"

Sophia sighed. "I know, I know. It's just that it would be incredibly embarrassing if I were the only one to turn up on the first day without a wand. After all, it is the most important thing."

A door to the left of them opened and Adam walked out, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "What are you two talking about right outside my room at 2 in the morning?"

"Sophia's worried about her wand." Percival explained. "We're sorry that we woke you up Adam, you should go back to sleep."

However, Adam turned to his younger sister and smiled. "You'll get it when you get there, after you've been sorted into your house." When he saw that she was still not entirely convinced he said. "Look, did I get my wand before going there?"

Sophia shook her head silently.

"No. I didn't. Because I got mine once I got there. And did you see me putting it into my bag when you saw me packing earlier on today?" He asked.

"Well... No, of course not." Sophia grumbled.

"Exactly. You have to leave your wand at school over the holidays. If you can accept that, then it's not that big of a jump accepting the fact that you only get one when you're there."

"I suppose so..." Sophia said, but then frowned, remembering the stories she had been told when she was younger. "How come dad got to get his wand before going to school?"

Percival spoke up again. "He went to school at Hogwarts, didn't he? They have different rules there. He could take it home with him as well."

"That's not fair!" Sophia protested. "I want to do that too!"

Percival was really beginning to lose the will to live. "We have more strict rules about the statute of secrecy in this country Sophia. It's the rules, and there's nothing you can do about it, so you'll just have to live with them and go to bed already. We all have a long day tomorrow and have to get up early."

Sophia huffed. "Fine." And then stormed into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

- - - - -

Sophia yawned , blinking in the sunlight of the early morning, and scowled as her brother laughed at her.

"It's your own fault you're tired." He said, dropping his broom from his shoulder and getting on it.

"It's too cold for flying." She stated in response.

"Well that's how we're getting there. And you'd better hurry up, we're supposed to leave at 5 if we wanna get away before the No-Majes wake up, and that's in about two minutes."

- - - - -

And so two minutes later the four of them found themselves flying through the bitter cold air of the early morning, the wind whipping up their hair into a frenzy at such an altitude.

They flew North East for a while, before finally landing on a stretch of grass leading up to the school around three hours after they had set off.

"Where is everyone?" Sophia asked, looking around and frowning at the deserted area.

"We're early." Her father replied. "Your headmaster, Professor Blackrose, requested a meeting with me. People should start arriving in an hour or so."

Credence turned to his children and smiled. "Why don't you two go and find a place to get changed into your robes?"

The two of them nodded before Adam took Sophia's hand and ran ahead of her, leading her to the side of the school and into a small shed separated from the main building.

"This is where they keep the brooms." He explained, closing the door behind them and plunging them into darkness. "We can change quickly here."

Sophia blinked wearily at the outline of her brother and frowned. "Why can't we just go into the school and find a bathroom?"

"Because the first thing that happens when you step into the school on the first day of the year is the sorting ceremony, which is both in an hour's time and requires you to be in your robes."

"Why didn't we just fly in our robes?"

"Well you didn't because I didn't. And I didn't because I was so tired this morning that I forgot." He said with an edge to his voice. "Now come on, there's some stuff I want to show you."

Sophia hurriedly changed and pulled on her robes. When both of them were done, Adam opened the door and let in light once again.

"We keep our brooms at school as well." He explained, looking around at the rows and rows of brooms. "Although you are only allowed to have your own if you play for your Quidditch team. That's why dad and father will be taking yours home with them."

Sophia nodded silently, inspecting each broom before walking over to one she recognised and picked it up, smiling.

"Ah, yes. Mine." Adam said. "I'm actually trying out to be team captain this year."

"Keeper and team captain of the Horned Serpents?" Sophia asked, glancing at the house logo on her brother's robes. "That is an achievement for a second year."

"Yes, well, I try my best. Come on, put that down, there's something else I want to show you."

- - - - -

Leaving the broom shed, Adam led his sister around to the front of the school again so that she could have a proper look at it.

"Take it all in, Sophia. This will be your home for the next seven years." He said, grinning.

Sophia gazed up at the towering structure in awe. It was mostly made out of sandy coloured stone, with towers sticking up into the sky. She looked down again at the entrance and saw two statues flanking the entrance on either side of the door.

"Isolt and James." Adam commented, looking at where she was. "And that creature there," he said, pointing, "cleaning the statues is William, the pukwudgie. Quite a few of them work here."

Sophia gazed in wonder at the creature, and knew that she was going to love her time at Ilvermorny.

- - - - - - - - - -

So apparently this story is going to be quite a slow burn. I'm okay with that. Are you?

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