I Need You

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Sitting on a park bench,
I wondered what went wrong on that lunch.
I was always surrounded,
But no one saw I was wounded.
Friends and family, all went unnoticed,
But not once did I flinched.
I was okay till that afternoon,
When I learnt that I can be happy too.
You taught me how to live,
But without you now I was surviving instead.
Come back I need you,
No one will ever understand the way you do.


Who is your favourite person in this entire world? Mine is my bestfriend. (She probably is smirking while reading this.)

I was having my lunch break when I wrote this. Honestly, my friends would probably laugh at this, because they are jerks. Jk. I love them all. They are the best.

What's the one thing, you would change if you could? And honestly, will you ever change a thing? I won't. Because everything had an consequence, which lead to the life I have right now. And if I even change a single thing, there would be difference in my present. I won't want that.

Till next time.

S <3

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