Chapter 1 - "Big News"

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My name is Myka Patrick, I attend homeschool, my parents are divorced, and I despise three people in this world: My step-dad, David, Obama, and Ashton Irwin, the 'bad boy' of the town. He is a man-whore that ALWAYS gets his way. Did I mention he is my neighbor? Yeah, and his and my parents are best friends! Today, their family is coming over to our house for dinner due to some kind of 'Big News'. My parents gave me a revealing dress to wear saying that it will, and I quote, ''Attract Ashton.'' If I refuse they will probably ground me or take my phone away. I sit in my room, thinking of what the news could be. The door bell snapped me out of my thoughts. I rush to get it, only to be disappointed by who is standing there: Ashton, without his family. ''Ugh, where is your family because, if it is just you, I'm not going through with it!'' I say. ''Relax, my family, besides me, have the flu so they thought I should just go without them, so here I am.'' he replies. I groan, and open the door wide enough for him to get through. ''Mom, the Royal Jerk, himself, is here,'' I call, going to change into the piece of fabric made to be a 'dress'. I grab the dress, and make my way to the bathroom. I slip out of my original clothes, and into the skimpy item. As I walk out, I hear a whistle coming from my bedroom doorway. ''What are you doing here, Ashton?'' I ask, really annoyed that he is in my room. ''Oh, your mom asked me to come find you. And let me just say, I FIND you very sexy right now.'' he whispers huskily into my ear. I have to admit, this turned me on. All of a sudden, he is leaning in.  ''Myka, Ashton, dinner's ready!'' my mom calls from downstairs before our lips cold meet. 'Thank you, Spaghetti.' I think as I walk down stairs. At the dinner table, it's me, my mom, my step-dad, Ashton, and my two sisters that are still living in the same house as me, Mckensey and Mia. I get seated by Ashton and Mia, while Mckensey sits on the other side of Mia, followed by David and my mom. We make our plates, and settle into the scene. ''So, I bet you're wondering why you're here?'' David asks. Ashton nods, his mouth full of spaghetti. ''Well, Ashton, Myka, You're getting married!!!''

(A/N): Ok so I am SO sorry its short, but I have been busy today! Please comment what you think! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!  ~MYKA!~

Marrying the Bad Boy? I Think Not! ~ Ashton Irwin Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now