Chapter 2 - Preparing

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I do a spit-take, while Ashton just smirks. ''You can't do this to me! My life actually has potential!'' I scream. ''Myka, don't raise your voice.'' David scolds. ''Well, I wouldn't have a reason to if wouldn't have decided to make me marry...that!'' I yell, referring to Ashton. Mia and Mckensey leave the room to let us sort out the situation. ''Well, Ashton's parents said that they would like you as a daughter-in-law, so we have arranged for the two of you to get married!'' my mom exclaims. ''But, Mom, I'm only 14!'' I yell back. ''Myka, why cant you be like Ashton? He's not objecting!'' David snaps, rolling his eyes. I swear, he doesn't even care  about me! ''Now, Myka, go pack your belongings! You will be leaving in an hour!'' my mom says, if I can even call her that anymore! ''Where will I even be staying at?!'' I yell, pulling out my suitcase. ''Well, since Ashton is in a band, he has a shared house with Calum, Michael, and Luke, which their parents pay for, you will stay there. Now go pack!'' my 'mom' shoes me away. I pack al of my clothes in one suit case, leaving me to have to find another one for my other belongings. I get one from Mia, and proceed with my packing. Once I finish, my mom makes Ashton carry my bags to the cars, while I say goodbye to my sisters. We all shed a few tears as I walk out the door, waving one last time. Ashton runs to the car, opening my door for me. ''No, thanks.'' I growl. He walks away, and I shut the door, re-opening it so I could enter. Ashton is stifling a laugh at my dramatic scene. We don't talk the whole way there. He would occasionally puts his hand on my thigh, only to be removed by me.

(A/N:) Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter again! I am experiencing a difficult time with my friend, so, yeah! Please comment what you think! I LOVE YOU GUYS! ~ MYKA! ~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2014 ⏰

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Marrying the Bad Boy? I Think Not! ~ Ashton Irwin Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now