Chapter 28

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Hailey's POV
So it almost kills me to say this, but Micheal and I aren't dating anymore. we both decided that our actual friendship is more important to us and that the whole "dating" thing wasn't working out. He already likes a different girl now anyway but I'm happy for him, I think I'm almost over him anyway which is quick to say but I love him; as a best friend. School has been busy the last couple weeks and all of the boys have caught a flu except for Shawn and me so we've been hanging at the other boys house alot.
"You know we're next" Shawn says beside me in the van on our way to the other boys house.
"You make it sound like a virus that makes us turn into zombies or something" I laugh. Although comparing the flu and a zombie apocalypse to each other at times can seem pretty similar if your dramatic like me. Shawn pulls into the driveway of the "Gilinsky, Johnson, Reynolds, carpenter and Caniff house." I jump out of the van and race Shawn to the door but I beat him there, although I did kinda cheat because I got a head start. I opened up the door and walked in, with Shawn following behind me. I slipped my converse off and ran into the living room. all the boys were playing karaoke and it was Carter's and Jack g's turn ; they were singing "royals" by Lorde. They actually weren't that bad to be completely honest. I sat down on the couch beside Aaron and he put his arm around me.
"How was your day sweetheart?" he asked me.
"It was okay! I've had alot homework this week though"
"That sucks" he replies, "I remember when I was in middle school and I got a lot of homework all the time" I took what he said in for a minute, I guess you never really imagine your guardians or parents when they were younger and back in school. Carters and Jacks turn was over and I jumped up to take the microphone; I actually really enjoy singing , I may not be the best but I like to sing mostly for fun. Taylor jumped up too and grabbed the other microphone. We eventually both decided to sing "say something"; one of my favourite songs. The song started and the lyrics popped up on the screen, I was the pink lyrics and Tay was the green. At first we both took it seriously but then we just started having fun and being dramatic.
"Say something I'm giving up on youuuu!" I sang at the top of my lungs.
"I'm sorry that I couldn't get to youu!" Taylor sang next. Me and Shawn spent our evening at their house and we ate supper with them too.
"Okay, I think we should be heading out, plus Hailey you have school in the morning " Shawn said standing up from the couch.
"I'm not even tired" I complained as I tried to hold back a yawn but Shawn noticed and started to laugh.
"Sure you aren't" he replied. I gave all the boys hugs and said goodbye before walking out to the van.
"That was fun!" I said to Shawn as we both slam our doors in sync.
"Ya it was" he agreed. Our house isn't that far away from the other boys house; just a few streets away so pretty much a walking distance. Me and Shawn got home and dad, and Matt were both sleeping and Nash was getting some medicine from one of the many kitchen cabinets. I went to take a quick shower and got my pajamas on before slipping into bed.

I woke up, my room was dark and my clock read " 2:34am." My stomach was hurting really bad and I felt like I was about to be sick. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, sure enough I threw up ; one of the things I ABSOLUTELY hate. I layed down on the bathroom floor feeling weak, I didn't want to get up or even move. I heard somebody walk into the bathroom.
"Hail, are you okay sweetheart" the voice belonged to Matt. I nodded my head "yes" even though I really wasn't, he picked me up and brought me back to bed. A few minutes later he came back in my room with a glass of water and a bucket just to be safe.
"If you need anything, just call for me" Matt told me and I nodded my head again. I couldn't sleep, I threw up every hour and my head was pounding. I stared at the ceiling the whole time just wishing for the pain to stop, I tried to drink as much water as I could because I remember as a kid being sick and I ended up in the hospital because I was so dehydrated but the water just kept coming back up so it didnt matter anyway. Screw being sick.


SORRY IS NOT EVEN A BIG ENOUGH WORD. I haven't updated in forever and I'm soooooo sorry. I've been trying to work on an update all week but school has been busy, both of my parents have been sick plus my little brother and now I'm sick too.

I know it's a short chapter and ill try to make a longer update next time !

💗 I love you all soo much 💗

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