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That's how she felt, first he wasn't answering her repeated calls, second, her plans for the both of them were getting ruined yet she was helpless.

He wasn't helping.

She looked at her phone for a good ten minutes before cussing out loud.

What does he think of himself anyways? She blabbered to herself throwing the phone onto the bed storming into the washroom.

Scanning the place, her eyes finally found him.

And he was not alone.

She could see that girl. Kiran Bhatnagar.. Her mind screamed alert and her eyes dug in to stay longer on the duo.

Yet again she felt annoyed, Raavan Kumar had avoided her calls for hours, not spoken once with her since morning, spend probably the entire day, ravaged her plans to spend time with him for a dinner with that woman, who was now smiling at him widely.

With an irked look at her coffee, she had just sipped it when she almost choked on the same. That woman's hand was on his and her smile was wider than ever.

The woman was outrageously flirting with her husband, she could see it, And she was helpless.

He hadn't moved his hand and was smiling back.

Raavan Kumar. She muddled audibly to herself. Was he any less? She was sure of him enjoying the attention, that was just so him.

There was no chance she could barge in on their apparent dinner for she had a clue of the woman being important for his business. Could she really sit back and watch her flirt?

Putting aside the coffee, she furiously dialled a number, smiling to herself.


Hey Ishita..

The voice was very loud in the hall and his head turned, almost everyone's head turned. Ishita? Was it Jhansi Ki Rani? It wasn't like she was the only Ishita, but then it was a reflex for him to turn around at that name.

His eyes scanned the place to be left stunned.

It was her. And how?

Clad in a black saree, her long straight hair left open falling over her back and her bright smile on her lips. At the thought of her back, his eyes darted to her back, left to be widened. Ofcourse it was alarmingly backless.

That could not be her, he told himself. But it is. His mind shot back.

Thousand questions flooded him as he sat there trying to answer them to himself, when another thousand hit him.

A man walked in, tall and lean, visibly fair, his eyes hidden behind his glasses, dressed in a black and grey suit. He came forward and hugged her.

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