prolouge: room 428

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Amber Mercedes

"Oh honey, i'll miss you!"My mom said hugging me tightly as students glance at my mother and i

"Okay mom, we'll see each other soon. Don't worry"I said, hugging her back

"Okay my turn"My dad said hugging me for a while before pulling away

"I'm gonna go now. I'll call you both"I said and they nod

"Bye mom, bye dad"I said waving at them and drag my two white suitcase with me

"Bye sweetie!"My mom said and i started to walk towards the entrance of the university

"Hey, excuse me, sorry but uh— can you tell me where to grab my dorm keys?"I asked a girl with an earphones. Her skin are weirdly pale and her eyes seemed to sunken inside her skull. She walked away and i huffed

"No? Ok— hey, sorry, can you tell me where to grab my dorm keys? I'm new here and i really need a rest"I said to a tall guy with brown hair, brown eyes and he smiled

"Sure. I'm Shawn"He said and i shook my hands with him

"Amber,"I said and we both started to walk towards the office

"So what class are you taking?"He asked

"Culinary. And you?"I asked

"Music. Really calms me down. And here we are"He said smiling

"Thanks. I'll make a mental note to thank you another day Shawn"I said smiling at him and he nod

"No problem"He said and i walk inside the office

"Hi, you're new here?"A high pitced voice said behind me and i jumped

I swear to God no one was there before

"Hi, yeah i'm new. I'm getting my dorm keys"I said

"I'm Lilith Royce"She said, smilng

"Amber Mercedes,"I said and she hugged me

"I'd like you to be my roommate but i don't know if Ms. Miranda there would let us"She pout and i smile

"Who knows? Maybe she'll let us be roomies"I said and she smiled widely

"I hope so! C'mon"She said dragging me towards Ms. Miranda

"Name?"She asked

"Amber Mercedes"I said

"You will be in room 428. You will be sharing a room with—"Ms. Miranda was cut off by Lilith

"Nice! C'mon! We're roomies now"She smiled. We both walked towards our dorm and walked inside

"I'm gonna make a phone call. I'll be back in a while"She said and i nod. I look around the room and the temperture started to drop. I grab my hoodie and slip it on. I look at the pictures and read the names

Brea Wallace
1876 - 1902

Daniel Elison, Justin James, Travis Buckingham, Bill Rouge, Alex Delphine, Xander Delphine

One of our best Basketball Players. Rest in Peace
1995 - 2014

Lilith Royce
1996 - 2013

"Lilith?"I said quietly and a picture frame fall, glass shattered everywhere

"Jesus Christ"I groaned

I walk towards the shattered glass and grab the picture


"Cute"I said putting the picture away and started to clean the glass, being careful not to cut myself. I started to feel a pair of eyes on me and i look up, a face was planted clearly at the door

I walk back until i hit the wall and a vase smash towards the floor along with the mirror and a few picture frames. I screamed for help and curled up in a ball. The desk was flipped over and the drawer was smashed against the wall

"Oh my god,"I gasp and the door burst open

"Lilli— Amber? What the hell are you doing here? Fuck, what happened?"Shawn asked walking towards me

"I don't know i—i was looking around the room and the picture frame fall down and i was cleaning it and—and i saw a face at the door and everything went chaos"I stuttered

"We have to get out of here"He said grabbing my hand

"W—why?"I asked

"Have you met Lilith Royce face to face?"He asked and i nod slowly

"Did Ms. Miranda give you the key?"He asked

"Yes. Why? What's going on?"I asked and he gulped

"Amber, they both died in a car crash back in 2013"He said

"Everything you see here, is either Lilith's or the others. This dorm is in lockdown. You—you shouldn't be here"He said fastly, dragging me out of the dorm

"Oh my god"I said, tears brimming in my eyes and he stopped in the dorm hallways

"Amber, what's that?"He asked moving my hair aside

"What?"I asked and he run his hand across whatever it is in my neck

"No, no, no"He muttered

"What happened?"I asked

"Amber,"He said, looking at me

"You've, you've been marked"


Hello!!!! Yes i took this from my imagine, i just tweaked it here and there andddd  you guys are gonna picture each character, so that means, no character introduction for this book. Surprise surprise!!!

AND OH MY GOD! Is that a halsey song title in the book title???? (yes it is my little cupcakes) see, i didn't plan any of this so while i was writing part three of the imagine and suddenly, i think "oh my god, this kinda sounds like devil in me by halsey!" and bam! There goes the title AND the idea of making a short story for you guys (not before i read all of your comments, of course)

Anyways, i really hope you enjoy this short story!!


Did i just promote myself? Yes i did. Lmao please check the rest of my works if you guys want lol i'm a desprate lil bitch thank you and i love youuuu ❤

– drey xx

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