day 2;

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— day 2,
time: 7:36am
tuesday morning.


   Betty awoke early in the morning, feeling the warm embrace of Jughead around her smaller body. She looked up at him with a smile, taking in the scene. "God your so peaceful when u sleep..." She whispered to herself, running a hand through his fluffy dark locks. His eyes fluttered open softly, a smirk on his face "Are you watching me sleep?" He let out a low chuckle, making her blush. "N-no! Not really!" She stampered as he pulled her to his chest and hugged her. She let out a small sigh, the two untangling from eachothers arms.

The two walked downstairs, making a quick breakfast and sitting on the couch. "So i had an idea..." She said, sitting down next to him as she took a bite of her food. "I was thinking maybe we could have a barbecue today! I have a grill outside and it's really nice out...And Archie has really missed you..." She looked down at her phone for a moment before looking up at him. He frowned, "I don't know...Who would come?" He questioned. "Veronica, Archie, and Kevin. That's all..." She smiled at him. "Well i can't say no to that smile" He smiled back at her, reaching in to lightly kiss her. She kissed back before standing up, "Come on! I have to go to the store to get stuff!" She grabbed her bag and his hand, walking out of the house.

"Okay lets see...Steaks. Check...Chicken. Check. Vegetables...Check. Oh! Fruit and Drinks" She dragged him along, him groaning in the process. "Awh...Young love" a familar voice said from behind. Betty quickly turned around, meeting face to face to Veronica. "Oh, Hey V" She smiled, blushing a bit. Veronica smirked down at their hands, nodding in approval before looking back at Betty. "Just saying hi" She winked. "See you later, B!" She soon walked off from the couple. Betty let out a small sigh, turning to face Jughead who had his usual look on his face. She smiled and walked over to the fruit section, handing Jughead a watermelon before going to the drinks. Her phone buzzed from her group chat with Archie, Veronica, and Kevin:

Archie: I'm bringing beer since i know Betty refuses to buy it 😂

Veronica: Smart.

Betty let out a laugh before looking back at Jughead. "I'm adding you to a group chat, Juggie". He let out a groan before his own phone buzzed.

Kevin: Do you blaim her? My dad said that more drugs and alcohol are hitting the streets!

Jughead: This isn't The Wire, Kevin.

Archie: Jug! I gtg now, My dad needs help with work.

Betty checked her phone and laughed. "Your so sarcastic, Juggie" She let a small giggle, making him smile. The two payed for all of the food before going back the house to prepare.

Betty was inside seasoning and preparing all the food before going outside to cook by the time everyone got there. The rest were outside in shorts and tank tops, snacking on fruit and beer; Besides Jughead and Kevin who were drinking soda. Betty peaked outside, noticing Jughead and Archie smiling and laughing together. She turned away for a moment before feeling strong arms wrap around her waist, making her giggle. "Watching me? Again? Jeez Betty your weird" He teased, a bright smile planted on her face. "I'm glad your having a good time, Juggie" She turned to face him, the two kissing eachother softly. "Oh my god, Veronica wasn't lying" Kevin gasped from the door, causing the couple to quickly move away from eachother. "Does Archie know?" Kevin quickly asked questions, making her roll her eyes. "Does it matter? We never liked eachother that way anyways! I told you this...Kevin" She walked towards him, pushing him out. "I'm shook" He gasped again, walking back outside with his drink. She turned back to Jughead who was looking away and frowning. "Hey...Its okay...Jughead i don't like Archie, I like you" She lightly cupped his face. He looked back at her, staring into her big grassy eyes before pulling her into a long, passionate kiss. She smiled into the kiss, them soon breaking away.

Betty brought the food outside, placing it all down onto the picnic table as the group dug in and talked amongst themselves. "So i think i'm going to get into music?" Archie piped into the conversation, Betty smiling in approval. "You should do it Archie! Your really talented" She smiled politely, taking a bite of her steak. Archie nodded, "What are you guys going to get into?" He asked as he looked around the table. "Fashion Design" Veronica smiled, looking at Kevin who said that he was getting into Law. "Journalism!" She said as she fixing the ponytail her hair was in. "Writing— I want to be an author" Jughead said with a monotone voice, earning a nod from Archie. "Jughead is such a good writer! I was looking at one of his works last night" She smiled at Jughead who smiled back. Veronica leaned in, "Last night?" Veronica smirked, earning an uncomfortable groan from Jughead. "Were spending the week together, V" She smiled, earning a small smile in relief from Jughead.

The night went on and Archie and Betty stood on the porch by themselves, everyone else inside. "So how have you been Betty? I heard you were having a rough time with your family" Archie said, standing closer to the blonde. "Yeah...I guess" She shrugged and looked over at Archie. He looked back at her, staring into her eyes before leaning in and kissing her. She suddenly pulled away, not noticing Jughead suddenly storm out of the house. "Archie what the hell?" She snapped, stepping away from him. He wrapped his arm around her waist, "Betty you love me! You always have!" His voice was tainted with jealously. She pushed him away and walked inside, noticing everyone getting to leave. "Where's Jughead?" Betty asked, ignoring the clearly pissed off Archie who just walked out. "He left...? We're going to get going B! Thanks for an awesome night" Camila smiled and hugged before everyone walked out, leaving Betty alone

"Where could he be?" She asked herself aloud, putting her shoes on before realizing where he was...The cliff.

— day 2,
time: 9:56pm
tuesday night.


Betty was racing down the street and up the mountain side, practically tripping over herself in the soaking mud from the downpour. "He must've saw Archie kiss me" She mumbled to herself, speeding up before she fell to the ground by the cliff; not seeing Jughead. She began to sob, searching the area "Jughead? Jughead?" She screamed, tears pouring out of her eyes before noticing him off to the side. "Jughead" She ran over to him and knelt beside the crying boy. "Jughead i'm so sorry....I didn't think he would do that" She cried, the boy staying completely silent. He suddenly pulled the soaking wet blonde into his arms tightly, sobbing into the crook of her neck. "I know...I just got scared" He choked out as he felt her tightly hug back. "I'm so sorry, Juggie" She kissed him gently, him kissing back despite the tears that were flooding down their faces mixed in with the rain. The two stood up, holding eachothers hand as they walked away. "Betty can we continue the game?" He asked as the walked back into town. "Sure. I believe it's my turn and we have 5 questions left....Hm. Do you want to go see a movie sometime? maybe at the driven since I know you have your dads truck" She winked as they walked into the house and ran upstairs to get changed. "Hmm...I guess if i have too" He said with a laugh, replying after the two got changed. She giggled, placing a kiss onto his lips before the two got comfortable under the soft pink sheets.

   "Night Betts" He kissed her forehead. She let out another giggle, "Night Juggie" She whispered as they fell asleep


   So as you may notice these chapters are rlly long! and that's because sach chapter is a day and i plan on only having 6 chapters (days 0-4 + epilogue) so !!!

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