They Found Me!

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A week passed and I was still replaying the events of the confrontation in my head. I was finding myself wishing I had cracked jokes while I could. I was delighted in the very short conversation we had. Just a question and a reply. It was short sweet but it was refreshing. I craved more but I didn't dare go back to their camp. I was torn between the need to not be alone and the fear of being killed.

If I looked at it realistically I shouldn't care. They were my only chance at having other beings to live with, to talk to, to keep me sane. Yet there was a deep Instinct that demanded I not jeopardize my life. Self preservation was strong in me, so strong it ignored the suffering I would have living alone for the rest of my long pointless days. Pointless, day in and day out it would be the same. Alone, hunting, walking, trying to think of ways of improving my home, swimming, sleeping, and thinking about my life from the beginning to the present day.

It's amazing what time and your thoughts will uncover. When the two are together in abundance you saw things you didn't before. Dots start to connect and sometimes they are disturbing. To make it worse was the lack of an outlet for this new clarity. I could not confide in any one with them. I was trapped by myself and inside of myself. It was like when you were with another person or being you weren't just yourself anymore. Even if you didn't talk to them, just being in there presence seemed to draw you put subconsciously. You and the beings around you merged into one subconscious energy.

Then again maybe I was just crazy or over thinking it. It could be both at the same time. Though I think I'm just crazy. I mean I feel crazy? I mean crazy people don't know they're crazy, I know I'm crazy therefore I'm not crazy. I walked back from taking a nice cold soak in the river. The river was always a place for me to collect my thoughts and calm down so I was relaxed. I let my mind wander as I walked into my camp.

I got three steps in before I noticed the two aliens snooping around, or they were until they noticed me. I quickly brought out my gun and pointed it at them, switching rapidly between who I aimed at. I could see the Jackal bristle at my actions. However the Elite stayed clam.

"We mean no harm, human." The Elite spoke.

"OH SURE, that's why you guys are invading my camp! You expect me to trust a group of aliens who have sworn to whip out my species?" I said. I jumped and pointed the gun back at the Jackal when he moved towards Nu'Jab's grave. "STAY AWAY FROM HIM!" I bellowed taking a step towards him.

"You have shown no intent of harm towards us. Given the circumstances I have decided to....offer a peace treaty." The Elite said slowly. The Jackal was now glaring at me but he soon disregarded me and looked to the wooden grave marker.

"A Courageous Ungoy." The Jackal all but snorted at the carving.

"He was a courageous Ungoy! I will not let you talk down on him!" I spat.

"Nu'Jab. He was thought dead last summer." The Elite mused.

"He didn't die he just got stuck under a tree and broke his leg! I saved him, carried him to my camp and helped him recover. He died....over a month ago. His tank was empty, he suffocated to death." I had started out yelling but soon my tone softened as I felt my heart sink. 'I miss you Nu'Jab.'

"Heretic!" The Jackal sneered.

"Who cares? He and I were happy! We didn't fight, the end of his life was peaceful and liberating! I held his hand as he died and the only thing that made him sad was the fact that he was going to leave me behind! Your order has treated his kind like shit! You might have better technology than us but you are primitive in mentality!" I spat back.

"Jub-Jub, calm yourself. Human, you have survived long past what I had expected here. Tell me, why give away your existence? Why aid me in fighting the traitors?" He asked sending a sharp look to the Jackal.

"I....I....accidentally stumbled near your camp the day prior and saw the fight between your group. I went back that day to see which side came out victorious." I began bitting my lip nervously. I quickly decided my true reasoning with stupid so I made up another."Their survival and exile to the jungle was a threat to me. I figured I could get them out of the way while they were distracted with you. However, I didn't expect you to find my camp, even finding out that I still live." I said strongly.

"Where are the others?" He asked.

"What others?" I laughed. "You guys killed them before they could get off the ship! The ones that got away on the life boats were probably killed too. I think I'm the only one who survived." I glared accusingly at them both.

"You have been alone this entire time?" The Elite asked a bit surprised at this new information.

"Yes! Well, not until I found Nu'Jab!" I nodded.

"How did you survive two winters?" The Jackal asked narrowing his eyes at me.

"Well, I made a friend with the wildlife here. Me and their herd migrated. I only had to deal with one winter so far." I shrugged.

"Have you no way of seeking help from your kind?" The Jackal asked.

"If I did would I be here still? Obviously you have had as much success as I have in contacting help." I huffed.

"That is none of your business!" The Jackal snapped.

"Jub-Jub, you're failing to adjust to the circumstances. Human, you  aided me against the rebels of my camp and proven the last you are strong enough to survive on your own. However both you of us are in the same situation seeing as we may very well never get back to civilization. I see no need for us to continue the war here, do you concur?" He said.

"Yes, I don't see the point in fighting each other now. There is no war to be had here." I agreed. Finally someone with a lick of common sense!

"Then it is settled." He nodded then started to walk away with the Jackal. I blinked feeling desperation bloom in my heart.

"Wait!" I called out jogging up behind them. "You guys got to see my camp! Am I allowed to see yours? It would be only fair." I said making up a reason to be around them. I didn't want to be alone now that I didn't have too! Both aliens looked back at me.

"So be it human." The elite agreed after a second of pondering. I nodded my head keeping my face straight until both had turned back. The second I was save I let a insanely gay grin sprout on my face.

"So....Can I know your name or would you prefer me calling you Elite?" I asked as we walked through the jungle.


"Mida....." I said testing his name out in my tongue. I beamed finding that it had a nice ring to it. "I already know your name is Jub-Jub. My name is Elizabeth Jackals!" I said. It felt so good to say my name aloud to someone. It was a real fear that one day I would forget it!

"Don't get too comfortable human." Jub-Jub huffed.

"Will do Jackal!" I chirped. He glared at me annoyed with my happy attitude. I was practically prancing behind them as they walked back to their camp. Midas strides were so long due to his long legs. It was really neat to be so close to a in Elite who wasn't going to kill you. I took the time to fully scan every detail of the alien. He was tall, standing to be at least 7 feet easily. His hands were weird, having two thumbs and two fingers.

"Stop staring human." Jub-Jub snapped making me jump.

"Sorry! I've never seen an Elite up close before!" I blushed when Mida gave me a side glance.

"Must you keep referring me to that name?" He said with an edge of irritation in his tone.

"I'm sorry that is just what we have come to call you. I don't know the name of your species." I admitted.

"I am Sangheili, Jub-Jub is and Kig-Yar." Mida explained.

"OH, those are better names than what we've came up with. I guess I understand why you would be irked by our nick names. I mean, I would be pretty annoyed if I was referred to as an ape!" I chuckled lamely.

"We often refer to your kind as more degrading things than ape." Jub-Jub hissed.

"Sticks and stones! Don't worry I have a pocket book of degrading names for your kind alone." I mused happily. Should he start an insult battle I would probably brush it off and crack yo mama jokes. He wasn't going to get me all riled up! Nope! I was on cloud nine and nothing was going to bring me down! NOTHING!

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