Huh, girls? They tried to keep a diary but often forget to write on it whenever they’re excited or happy. They just write on their diary whenever they’re emotional. But really, they often forget that they had a diary….. In this chapter, Liz will not be writing on her diary because she forgot that she have a diary because of her excitement, come on! Who will not be excited? It’s London! U.K.! But also, the British Guy have her diary!....
*7:00am in the morning; London, U.K.; First day
*alarm rang at 7:00am with a sweet ringtone*
Me: *yawn* *stretched arms* Ahhhh! *opened eyes* What a morning! Well, this is a good start!
Alondra (Mom): *yelling from downstairs* Liz, Sweetie?! Are you awake?
Me: Yes Mom! I’m awake!
Mom: Well come on downstairs now! Let’s eat breakfast! I prepared fried egg and bacon! With orange juice and Nutella sandwiches!
Me: Oh my God! Nutella and Bacons?!?!
*Liz ran quickly downstairs*
Me: I’m so hungry!! Mmm…! Nutella and Bacon!
*Liz ate so many for breakfast because hello? It’s Bacon + Nutella!!*
Me: ugh! *burped loudly* Oh! Excuse me :))
Mom: Wow! You’re really full aren’t you? Well, I will give you something *pulls out two gifts, the other one is bigger and the other one is small*
Me: Woah! Mom? What are inside these?
Mom: Go on and find out yourself. Open it!
Me: Well, ok Mom :)
*opened the smaller gift*
Me: Wow! It’s an iPhone! Geez, Thank you Mom :D
Mom: Now, open the other one
Me: *opened the other gift* A laptop! Thank you so much Mom!
Mom: Your welcome sweetie! I bought you those so you can contact you friends or chat with them so you won’t be homesick…
Me: Thank you mom! Really!
*Liz and her Mom Hugged*
Me: Mom, I’ll just go upstairs okay :)
Mom: Ok, go on sweetie.
*Liz went to her bedroom with her new laptop and iPhone*
Me: *turned on her laptop* Now, to open my Twitter, Skype, and Facebook!
“@Julie_Juls tweeted: Hey @itsmeLiz! Are you in London right now? Please be online :( so we can Video chat…”
Me: Aww… Julie :) *retweeted to Julie*
“@itsmeLiz retweeted: @Julie_Juls , Hey you little Brat! Don’t be sad! I’ll always be online and I’ll always chat for you. I’ll tell you everything! Here’s my new contact Julie! …. Contact no.: 0906……. Text me whenever okay!
Me: *sigh* *smiled*
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My One and Only Diary (1D FanFiction)
FanficThis is a story about a girl named Liz. She owns a Diary. Inside that Diary, she wrote all of her experience when she moved from the Philippines to London to live with her mom. Suddenly, Her life changed when she met 5 guys in U.K. Can she handle al...