Chapter 4

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Lively Pep.

We all assemble in the Gathering Hall again. Settled down, Mrs. Perez announces that we will be going to the school gymnasium for some 'fun' team building activities.

Great, I think to myself.

Mrs. Perez motions us to stand up and fall in line as we prepare to go to the gym. The Immortals go first, followed by the Insurgents, and then the Tributes, and lastly, the Demigods. I fall in line with my group, just behind Czarina. I was about to look behind me, but then I stop myself. I don't want any awkward eye-to-eye moments now. Not with Cameron. Or anyone in particular.

"For our session today, there will be mental exercises," Mrs. Perez says over the mic. "Now you all pick 5 representatives of each group. Make sure there's at least one from each year level."

I look at my members. Czarina points at me. "Jessica. Jessica's brainy. Pick her."

"Are you willing?" Jacob asks me.

"Double time, please!" Mrs. Perez says, clapping her hands.

"Yeah. Let's go," I say. "Where are the other four? Come on Insurgents, let's do this." Jacob, Czarina, a chinky-eyed sophomore girl named Olivia and a tan freshman boy named Hans stand up. We then walk to the area where the other representatives have rounded up.

All 20 of us walk to the front, climb up a platform and face the audience. There are 4 podiums with a buzzer and a mini microphone placed on top of each. Each group piles up behind a podium. I notice that there are red lines behind each podium. Mrs. Perez begins introducing each representative.

"And for the Insurgents, we have Jacob Alejo, Czarina Lopez, Jessica Diaz, Olivia Tiongson and Hans Ramos!"

The Insurgents go wild after Mrs. Perez's last word. I see Franxine jumping and clapping like a crazy kid. Peter, a sophomore, another groupmate, was shouting something I couldn't understand. Then my eyes land on Cameron, who is smiling and clapping, but not as wild as the others are. I tense.

After the introduction, another teacher, Mr. Solis, explains the mechanics of the game.

"The questions are of general information regarding academics, but there will also be questions about Greek mythology, music, sports, and the like. Anyone can answer. Everyone must stand behind the red line and wait for my signal before running to press the buzzer. Wait for your group name to be called before answering, or else you will be disqualified. There will be 2 rounds. First round is elimination where 2 groups will be excluded, and then the final round, the battle for first place. Each correct answer equals to 2 points. In the first round, first 2 teams to gain 20 points are qualified to enter the final round and battle for 1st place," he explicates, then looks at us, and then at the audience. "Are you all ready?"

The audience goes wild again. I see Amy cheering for the Immortals and Sarah acclaiming the Demigods.

"All right, let us begin," Mr. Solis says. "First Round: Elimination Round!"

The audience goes wild again. Each group starts to cheer and yell for their representatives.

"First up, let's have Greek mythology."

My eyes light up. I am in love with Greek mythology! I doubt I won't be able to answer this question. I brace myself, ready to press that buzzer.

"Who are the so-called Big Three of the Olympian gods?"

Hades, Zeus and Poseidon, I say in mind. I nod at my other groupmates.

"Ready, get set...go!"

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