Chapter 11

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When I pass by the bulletin board at school, I see a number of flyers posted on it. I feel a surge of power when I read one that says Creative Writing Contest. Yes, I am joining this.

"Hey," a girl says behind me. I turn around and see Mae, my close friend from the sophomores.

"Hi, Mae," I say.

"You planning to join?" she asks.

"Yeah," I say. "You have a pen?"

She hands me a pen. I write my name down on the paper intended for the names of those who want to join below the flyer. I give back the pen to her right after.

"Cameron's courting you, right?" she asks as she got her pen from me.

Sometimes, this question gets a little peeving.

"Yeah. Why?" I say.

"Nothing," she says. "I'll go ahead now." She heads the other way.

That was weird. I start to walk toward my room. I see Amy talking with the others and approach her.

"Juniors, Gathering Hall, now!" a teacher yells at our room. The rest of the high school are told the same.

"We are just going to have a few announcements! Now you all listen," Mrs. Protacio starts.

Mrs. Protacio starts discussing some news I'm not interested in. I look around and as usual, see the faces I see every single day. Nothing new.

"We have also elected a new line of officers for our school newsletter," Mrs. Protacio states. "And FYI, the students whose names are going to be announced are still eligible to join the Creative Writing Contest."

My ears perk up at her words. I submitted a literary work of mine to qualify for a position in the newsletter organization of the school, the Blue Magnate. Mrs. Protacio starts announcing the newly-elected officers from the lowest ranking until the highest.

"As Managing Editor, we have... Elaina Mae Soriano!" she says. Mae stands up and joins the other officers in front. I clap my hands, happy for my friend.

Oh no. This is it. The name of the new editor-in-chief is going to be announced any second now...

"And lastly, the highest position. Our Editor-In-Chief is..."

I take a deep breath.

"... Anna Jessica Diaz!"

Wait, was that my name? Yes, Mrs. Protacio said my name. I am the editor-in-chief of the Blue Magnate! I can't believe my luck.

I join the rest of the officers in front. Everyone is clapping their hands. I am so happy, so proud. I scan the faces of the audience from the freshmen to the seniors...

"You are all probably wondering why the editor-in-chief is a junior and not a senior," Mrs. Protacio states. "Jessica here did very well in her literary piece, so she is the one we chose. We think she qualifies best in the position! A round of applause again for our new editor-in-chief!"

I beam at everyone. My fingers are tingling with excitement. I search the audience for him. And there he is. Clapping his hands, laughing happily. His friends are giving him pats on the back and high-fives. He meets my eyes.

"That's my girl!" he shouts over the room. Everyone looks at him, then at me. And then, they clap louder, some even chanting our names. I am smiling like crazy, and he's got his hands raised like a maniac.

There he is, making me feel sui generis and beloved. It's one of the things I appreciate about him.


Classes are over. I walk along the corridors of the building to the exit, hoping to pass by Cameron. Well, there is actually an area in the building where he usually waits for me. As I got near the spot, I see him immediately. But this time, he's facing the other direction, talking to someone. To a girl. I hide behind the lockers near me, peeking.

But I can't see the girl's face; Cameron's body is blocking it. If only he would shift a little...

He does, and now I know who he is talking to.


Their movements are slight and careful, their voices low and inaudible from where I am, like they're anxious that someone might be eavesdropping.

I back up against the locker. Don't overreact, Sica. Just don't.

I take a deep breath, and peek again. And at that second, I wish I didn't have.

Mae is holding Cam's hands, looking at him with sad puppy eyes. I can barely see Cameron's face. She murmurs something to him, and then, heartrendingly, she lifts her head up to Cameron's, and kisses him on the cheek. She lets go of his hands and walks away, leaving him standing still.

I back up against the locker again. I cover my mouth with my hand, taken by surprise---but in a negative way. A million questions start to pop in my head. I set aside all my thoughts first, put on the best calm face I can show, and stand up.

He is still looking opposite of my direction. I start walking.

"Cameron?" I say when I got closer to him.

He turns around and sees me. "Jessica," he says, his face forlorn.

"What happened?" I ask. "Is there something wrong?"

"None. Nothing," he says, and then sighs. "Look, Jessica, I can't escort you home today. I... I'm not feeling well. Just text---"

"What happened? Tell me," I ask, slowly getting nettled. No, I can't show him.

He looks me in the eyes for a few seconds. "You saw us, didn't you?"

How did he even find out? "No, I didn't. Why? Who did you talk to?" I say, trying to deny the truth.

He doesn't answer for a few seconds. "You did see us, didn't you? Come on, Jessica."

I decide that maybe I should just tell the truth. "Yeah, I did," I say. Now the anger and disappointment are starting to boil in my chest. "Now you tell me the truth. What was that all about?"

He puts his thumb and middle finger on each side of his temple, looking down. I wait for an answer, but I don't get any.

"Fine then. I don't want to deal with this anymore. I'm going home," I tell him, and start to walk toward the exit.

"Jessica, it was nothing," he says behind me.

I roll my eyes. "I have no time for such no-good and inane excuses," I respond, not looking back. I smooth my hair and walk away, just like how girls do it in the movies.

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