18 2 0

Opening : TBA / TBD

Annie wakes up in her bed, rays of light shining through the curtains. There's a bunch of rose petals on the edge of her bed and as she sits up she notices they lead to the bathroom.

A curious smile unfolds on her lips as she makes her way to the bathroom, a sticky note on the mirror, that reads:

                    "brush your teeth, brush your hair,

                     don't mind breakfast, meet me there ;)

                                                  - C"

Annie questioningly looks out the bathroom, steps back in and goes to brush her teeth.

As she walks towards the kitchen, another note is stuck to the fridge that reads:

                      "Nice try. I'll see you at our lake.

                        Don't be late, princess

                                                  - C"

Annie smiles as she removes the sticky off the fridge, leaning on the counter behind her. She puts the note to her chest, a dramatic look out the window.




The birds are chirping. There's people talking, walking, running around. The trees are dancing with the wind, the sun is shining as Annie makes her way to the usual spot where Cole has set up a picnic. Essentials such as pb & j sandwiches in hawaiian bread are laid out on throw out plates. "Wine" and fake glasses are inside a basket, alongside 2 books, orange juice, and their favorite snacks.

Annie's eyes light up as she walks up to Cole who is standing against a tree with a few roses in his hand. She makes a cute face at him as he walks up to meet her halfway.


You really wanna have wine at [look down at watch] 10:30 AM?


[laughs] It's never too early to get a buzz

Annie gives him a "shut up, stupid" look and pushes him on his chest, walking around him towards the picnic.


This is beautiful. But why?

Cole shakes his head and smiles.


You're an interesting human being, you know that, right?

Annie gives him an amused expression.


I do everything I do for you because I love you. And I did this because I can, so deal with it.


Well, you're sweet. Thank you.


Always. Now, shall we?

Annie nods with a big smile on her face. They sit and begin eating, drinking, talking. Sweet music plays as different shots of their date play out. Sweet moments, goofy moments, etc.

The camera settles on them again and Annie puts her drink down.


I think I've just won the luckiest girlfriend award.

screenplay.1 : "Because, I do" [PLSREADDESCRIPT.]Where stories live. Discover now