Chapter Two

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A tired looking young man shot his head up from off of his desk, opening his gunmetal blue eyes as he pushed off a piece of paper that stuck to his face during his nap. He looked around the office to see people bustling about, hearing phones ring; then looked up at the clock on the wall above the door.

"Ugh..." He groaned and planted his head back on to his desk.

It's only ten in the morning!

"Wow, someone didn't get much sleep last night," A woman commented as she walked up to the young man.

"That's what happens when you've come off of one of the most difficult assignments in the CIA, Kelly," He told her.

"Agent Reynolds, why don't you just go home?" Kelly asked.

Agent Reynolds lifted his head off of the desk again and rubbed his eyes, letting out a gigantic yawn. Kelly yawned back and took a sip of her coffee.

"Because I'm apparently being given a new assignment today," Agent Reynolds answered, sitting up in his chair and giving a stretch.

Kelly rolled her amber eyes and flicked back her chestnut brown hair.

"I think that The Director needs to give you a break," Kelly told him.

"I'll get it when I deserve it,"Agent Reynolds said, then looks back up at the clock.

Getting out of his chair, he stretched again then said good-bye to his colleague. He walked to the end of the office and grabbed a clean mug, pouring freshly made coffee in to it. The caffeine jolted him awake and with the new energy, Agent Reynolds walked out of the office to go see The Director.

He greeted the secretary once he walked in and she announced his presence before allowing him to walk in to the big mans office.

"Director, I hear that you have a new assignment for me," Agent Reynolds speaks up.

"Yes, I do."

The man handed over Agent Reynolds a case file and the young man opened it up. The first thing that he saw was a picture of a beautiful young woman with jet black hair that was long and wavy, rich chocolate brown eyes, and a fair complexion. He recognized her face.

"Sir...this is Agent Elizabeth Striker," Agent Reynolds pointed out.

"Yes, Joshua, it is. Miss Striker was missing for an entire year for unknown reasons that she can't remember. The President of IAA has requested that one of our very own investigate and interrogate her about where she has been," The Director explained.

"Why? There are plenty of members with abilities who can do it on their own," Joshua pointed out.

"Mmmm, see here's the thing. They all have very personal connections with her and not one of them has the ability to retrieve memories or to heal her. They need someone from the outside who can help her," The Director told him.

Agent Reynolds sighed and then let out another yawn.

"Alright, when do I leave?" Agent Reynolds asked.

"You need to be at the airport in three hours."

With a nod, Agent Reynolds took the case file and began to leave the office when The Director stopped him again.

"Make sure you get some sleep on the flight, will ya?"

Agent Reynolds smiled at the remarked, promised The Director that he would try, then finally left the office. He left the CIA building and headed in to the parking lot, got in to his car, then drove off to his apartment.

It was a mess when he arrived and the young man groaned.

"Do I have time for this shit?" He asked himself then looked at his watch.

He could at least dispose of the Chinese food boxes and soda cans. Maybe a good wipe down and vacuuming would be enough also. He got straight in to tidying up his apartment and it took him only five minutes to clean the living room. His kitchen wasn't too bad either. He washed the dishes, dried and put them away.

Okay, it wasn't too much of a mess in his apartment. Agent Reynolds sometimes exaggerated until he finally dove in to a project and realized that it wasn't too hard. Coming in to his bedroom, he pulled out his suitcase and began packing.

When he was done, he had an hour to spare before going to the airport. He looked through the case file again, reading more about the famous Agent Elizabeth Striker. He wondered why she went missing for a year. Then again, the whole world was probably wondering about what happened to her.

Hopefully, he could find out the answers.

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