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Third Person's POV.

     Soon they were on their way to a new opened restaurant, 'Tantalizer'. When they got there, Akinlolu parked the car where other customers parked their cars and they got out of the sleek car and into the restaurant.

They chosed a table at a quiet left corner

and Akinlolu picked up the menu card as few seconds after, a waitress came to take their order, Akinlolu ordered and Adara did the same

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and Akinlolu picked up the menu card as few seconds after, a waitress came to take their order, Akinlolu ordered and Adara did the same. As the waitress disappeared to bring their order, Adara asked,

"Akinlolu, what is going on? And you know I hate suspense."

"Okay, you know today is 29..." Akinlolu was saying when Adara interrupted,

"Oh! Oh!" she exclaimed tapping her head, "Is that why you should exhaust your salary?"

"No but just listen. I received the alert of my salary this evening and the reason why we are eating out is to celebrate the fact that it's our time for a turnaround and it has started." Akinlolu paused as the waitress wheeled their food to their table and after serving them she left. Then he continued,

"It was some minutes before five and I wanted to finish the sketch I was working on before coming home when I received a text alerting me that I am 250,000 naira richer and just then Naya came to my office and delivered a manila envelope from the boss.

After she left, I opened it and in it was the car keys and another bunch of keys. So, I went to see the boss. He was just leaving his office and I said, ' Good evening sir, you sent these keys to me.' And he said, ' Yes, after the talk we had about you, I have decided to help you, the car you can pay up for every month, 50,000 and the house I give to you till you can finish work on the land I advised you to buy. I have to go now, my wife is waiting for me but by weekend, I will send someone to take you there.'

I was flabbergasted Adara, my jaw was open the entire time he talked. God has really smiled on us, Babe, our story has finally changed."

"I am so happy for you, Akinlolu. This is really the Lord's doing. So, when are you moving in?"

"You? As in me? Come on Adara, we have being in this together right from the beginning, this is not the time to exclude yourself. We will be gone by weekend." Akinlolu said and Adara smiled as they continued to devour their sumptuous meal as they kept discussing.

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     True to Akinlolu's words, by the next week, they already moved into the house. It was a beautiful bungalow with four bedrooms with a toilet and bathroom each , a large kitchen that had a dining section and a comfortable living room with black painted carved iron gates.

It's been five months since Akinlolu joined Pacesetter Construction Company and greater things has been happening in the company which includes development of branches outside the country and multiple contracts coming in. Akinlolu's boss took him as a son. Now, it's been a year and few months since Adara and Akinlolu left Lagos and a lot has been happening in the Zamani's house. Alhaji was hellbent on his decision.

On one Saturday, Adara was preparing lunch, spaghetti and sauce when Akinlolu entered the kitchen, as he sank his teeth into a banana he had taken from the dining table on his way to the kitchen, his eyes surveyed Adara's back figure, she was dressed in a knee-length skirt with a blue blouse. Even from where he stood, she was lighting up a fire in his heart. The feelings he has been trying to suppress surged up and he decided it was now or never. He strode into the kitchen and stood at her back just as she asked without turning,

"There's nothing for you to eat here till I am done."

"How did you know I was the one?" Akinlolu asked and she turned chuckling,

"Do I have to remind you that you are wearing your perfume and we are just two in this house?" Akinlolu remained silent as his eyes held hers and he took three steps forward which brought him right in front of her and before Adara could decipher what was happening, he lowered his head and enveloped her lips in his. At first, Adara was startled but he teased her mouth open for him and kissed her with all the pent up desire in him. She responded to him by kissing him back and he cradled her cheeks, kissing her deeply making all reasonable thoughts fly away. He moved on to hold her waist even as they kissed and that was when her senses got jolted and she pushed him away. The kitchen was silent 'centre for the boiling spaghetti for a while before Akinlolu said,

"Adara, I am sorry but I really like you. I am having these feelings that..."

"This never happened, okay? You and me, we never kissed."She said and turned back to what she was doing before I interrupted.


"I don't want to hear it, Akinlolu, please. So, are you through with the sketch you were working on?"

"Fine." Akinlolu said curtly and he left the kitchen. After he left, Adara dropped the spoon she was holding. She couldn't believe she just kissed Akinlolu. Did she like him in that way? It is not as if he was not handsome and hardworking and comfortable. And a good kisser too. She was just confused. 'No, I won't let Akinlolu deter me from my goal which is getting back on my feet.' she thought and picked up the spoon again.

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