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Luffy's POV

I had watched her as she leaned over the edge of the ship, waving at the skyline, her hair blowing around her as the salty ocean air wafted past. A smile had lit her face. It was genuine. I remember how that smile had once been forced but after everything that had happened, it came naturally. It made me happy seeing her smile that way.

When I first met her, she had been wandering through the halls of Castle A. We'd both met at Dressrosa Academy, a school for delinquents. She had just arrived and was trying to find her dorm room when I approached her. I can still recall the horror in her eyes as I chased after her, laughing. After all, I was puffed up like a balloon. At the time, she hadn't known of the Devil Fruit power I possessed so her response was understandable. I later got in trouble for breaking everything in my path, but I could've cared less. (Y/N) had caught my interest.

She was like most other girls but something stuck out when I first met her. When I'd looked into her eyes, they were different. They weren't bright and cheery, but they weren't sad and gloomy either. They were fierce. She had a look in her eyes that dared people to cross her path. She looked as if she could conquer anything that got in her way. I was right.

She'd tried to distance herself from the rest of us during our time spent together at the academy. She repeatedly pushed me and all the others away, barely cracking even a smile in front of us. (Y/N) didn't let anyone get close to her. But eventually, she cracked.

Nothing is meant to be kept hidden forever.

But even then, as I watched her right after we departed from the island that belonged to Boa Hancock after we had saved her brother, (F/N), I could tell that she hadn't told us everything. I wanted desperately to know the truth and protect her from whatever was bothering her.

She was waving to Traffy and Kid as we departed when I approached her, the island getting farther from sight.

"(Y/N)?" I called her name. I liked her name. It was nice and suited her personality.

She turned around, a smile on her face that reached her eyes. "Yes, Luffy?"

A frown was etched on my face as I voiced my question without a hint of hesitation. "Is there something bothering you?"

She laughed, throwing her head back in a cute way. I loved her laugh. I loved seeing her happy. "Of course not!"

But in her eyes, there was the subtlest flash of fear. At the time, I wasn't sure if my eyes were playing tricks on me so I furrowed my brows and stood my ground. I would make her talk.

"Don't lie!"

"I swear, I'm not lying, Luffy." She said with a soft smile.

I looked into her eyes, leaning in closer. I wanted to make sure everything was okay; that she was happy for once. This time, I only saw firm resolve in her eyes along with the brightness of joy. Content with her answer, I grabbed her wrist and laughed. "Let's go eat!"

I care about my crew. I would do anything to keep them happy and safe, even if I die trying. For every one of my nakama, I did everything in my power to save them from their past. And I had just done the same for (Y/N).

I could still remember the fear and determination in her eyes when she fought against Fleet Admiral Akainu. The rest of us did everything we could to help by beating up the marines that got in her way. A smile lit my face when I recalled a moment had taken place between us that day.

"Luffy." (Y/N) looked at me, a fearful expression on her face. She hastily pushed (F/N) into my hold. "Take him and go. Tell all the others to leave at once."

"(Y/N)—," I started to say, trying to stop her. I wanted her to be safe; to come back from her battle unscathed. But deep down in my heart, I knew that the chances of that happening were slim. And I wanted nothing more than to stay and fight by her side.

"Go!" She screamed in a desperate voice, tears in her eyes. A fire burned deep in her eyes and protecting us fueled her determination. At that moment, my heart twisted painfully and I smiled sadly knowing she wanted to end this herself. If I had been in her position, I would've wanted the same. So for once, I obeyed her wish and dragged (F/N) along with me.

"(Y/N)!" (F/N) shouted, his voice cracking.

I abruptly stopped in my tracks and turned around, a wide grin on my face."You're joining my crew once all this ends, (Y/N)!" I screamed loud enough for her to hear. "Don't die!"

She let out a hysterical laugh and didn't say a word. But she nodded in my direction, a wide smile on her face. At that moment, my heart filled with warmth at the sight of her. In a way, she was just like me: we fight for the ones that we love, even if it means giving up our lives.

As this crossed my mind, I had held her hand tighter, tugging her in the direction of the kitchen with a goofy grin on my face. Her hand was soft and comforting. I didn't want to let go.

I wish I hadn't.


I sit on the head of the the Thousand Sunny, gazing out at the ocean. It's been two months since she's gone missing and we haven't found her yet. It's driving me insane.

I think about the few adventures we did go on in the short time she was with us. She was so happy and bursting with joy, and she'd gotten closer to everybody. Her leaving has left a hole in our crew; one that can never be replaced.

As I gaze up at the setting sun, I know that I won't stop to find her.

Either I'll find her or die trying.

I'm not giving up.



Sorry about the late update but I hope you enjoyed! I'm not sure if Luffy seems too OC (out of character) but I tried!

I'm also sorry if the beginning portion seems a little confusing. It's basically Luffy thinking back to the time right after they saved (F/N). They had gone back to Boa Hancock's island and from there everyone had gone their own separate ways.

Also, I know I wrote it a little poorly but I was a little confused as to how to write it properly. I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense but I've gone through this chapter so many times that this is the version I've settled for. I apologize if it's a disappointment but I'll be sure to edit it when I figure out how to word it right!



Is there a specific scene you'd like to see that occurred during the time (Y/N) spent between joining the Strawhats and going missing?

I'd be happy to write a bonus chapter about it if you'd like!


I love and appreciate every single one of you! You guys have been so supportive and I'm so, so happy. I don't know how far I would've gotten with this series if it weren't for you all. I truly appreciate every single comment. Literally not a single one goes unread by me. Thank you so, so much!

~ mwzxxx

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The next chapter will be in Law's point of view!


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